Massive ongoing improvements in AI, and hopefully less massive but still impressive improvements in humanoid robots. Both of these will actually happen, unlike a lot of stuff that I and many others would LIKE to have happen.
Massive ongoing improvements in AI, and hopefully less massive but still impressive improvements in humanoid robots. Both of these will actually happen, unlike a lot of stuff that I and many others would LIKE to have happen.
I clearly remember an incident when I was a 20 year old pizza delivery guy who made a delivery to an attractive middle aged woman in a bathrobe who gave me a bit of mischievous smile when I showed up with her pizza. I didn’t take the bait, but it was pretty weird. Luckily the pizza was from a really good place, so hopefully she wasn’t too disappointed.
Agreed. History is full of unintended consequences, partially because so many things were more complicated than individuals and societies realized. There are not tons of really simple tradeoffs along the lines of ‘freedom vs safety’. I don’t think people could have imagined the future world they would bring about when they started planting crops instead of just hunting and gathering, for example.
Mud Pies incoming!
‘One quick question ladies. How big is your shower?’