Elon out here thinking Twitter bots are real people. Too much ketamine.
Elon out here thinking Twitter bots are real people. Too much ketamine.
I’m sure he’ll put a turbo diesel in it too
Why didn’t anybody think of this before?!
Yeah, I was an early adopter of a smartwatch. I had an android watch before apple watch was even a thing. One day, while on vacation in Croatia, I jumped off a boat into the Adriatic with it on, and those early models weren’t really waterproof. I kinda shook it off because like you said, I never really used or cared about any of the data, and I was kinda over it as a gimmicky, fairly useless thing. It was kinda cool to be able to read and reply to texts without taking my phone out of my pocket, but it wasn’t a game changer. Then my birthday came around and my gf got me a new smartwatch, so I kinda had to wear one again for a while. I wore it for a bit, and then one day, just kinda stopped charging and using it altogether. There is no wow factor with them imo.
I had created a few things on Google sheets that my coworkers were using. It wasn’t anything groundbreaking, but one was a spreadsheet I’d made that had all of our driver’s availability to assist with scheduling. The sheets were on my personal account, and we didn’t end on good terms, so I just locked them all out. It was funny getting all the texts asking for access the next day. I told them to make their own.
He is (or was) the richest man in the world. You’d have to be living under a rock to not know who he is
“There’s tesla buyers who dont even know who musk is or what he does”
I’m going to have to call bs on that.
My point from a legal standpoint is that ‘fighting words’ are not protected speech
Like it or not, that’s been the interpretation since the founding of the US. It is not the case in some other countries, but I’m assuming we are talking about the US here. What most people miss is it only restricts the government from punishing your speech, not private entities. Insults, defamation, and lies, are absolutely allowed, but you can be found liable civilly for any damage done by this speech either through punitive damages (lawsuit settlement) or other means, deplatforming, loss of employment, etc.
threats, calls for hatred, are a bit of a gray area. It depends on the severity of the threat, but true threats can be prosecuted.
Hate speech is generally allowed, but if it is inciteful enough to be a true threat, it too can be prosecuted.
If you’d like to read up on true threats, see below:
Honestly, the latter is absolutely free speech. They are 100% free to say that shit if they want. They are not free however from consequences, i.e. getting hit in the mouth, fired from their job, etc.
Or a buyer for medical devices? I even work for a German company. Maybe I can transfer.
No we won’t. This shit is done. Elon and Putin stole this shit. And until there are audits, I will continue screaming into the void.
There are a bunch of votes that were down ballot dem, but for president votes went to Trump. The thought is that they were changed with an algorithm
The Doge guy made ballot reading software in 2020 that had a write function. Like trump said, “Elon is really good with those vote counting computers,” and Elon’s kid said “they’ll never know”
Elon and Trump were facing jail if they didn’t pull this off. Now we have a government full of lackeys with their heads in the sand who won’t even bother looking at it. Trump had talked to Putin 7 times before the election. He and Elon likely set up a quid pro quo deal where Putin helped them steal the election to get the US out of Ukraine
We are fucking cooked, and I’m trying to gtfo
Remember, they also took the constitution off of Whitehouse.gov
So dumb. They are going to say that the government made them take down Russian propaganda sites form their results and conservatives will go OMG THEY ARE CENSORING US!
UK isn’t in the EU anyway
Mechanic. I have the tools and know how to fix my own car so long as we’re not talking about an engine rebuild, (and even that I could do and have done in the past, but it’s a pain in the ass usually and I don’t wanna). I enjoy the tinkering and troubleshooting. If it were a more desirable and high paying gig, I could see myself doing it for work. I also am IT support for my boomer mom.
Plus she had like a weird metal thing going around her nipple and breast that allowed for plausible deniability that her tit was out. Definitely a planned stunt
TIL. I was confused because I thought raccoons were an American thing. It turns out the Nazis imported them for furs, and some escaped. Now Germany has a bunch of Raccoons.
Thanks. Uninstalled. Not that it matters, they already got what they wanted from me most likely.
I was interviewing with my current company while my wife was pregnant and I didn’t disclose it to them bc I didn’t want it to impact my hireability. My wife was due about a month into my tenure after I got hired. I told my boss after I was hired, and only took maybe a week off. The only reason I took such a short amount of time was I didn’t want my boss to think poorly of me so soon into the job and make a good 1st impression. I was sleep deprived the whole time and my performance was definitely impacted.
When my 2nd was born, you best believe I took the full 12 weeks, and every day was worth it. That bonding time is absolutely irreplaceable, and I wish I had it the first go 'round. You only get 1 chance at it. Fuck your coworkers, they’re probably shitty parents.