I see. The initial purchase price is the “payment”. I thought the intimation was some sort of subscription to use Alexa. My bad.
I see. The initial purchase price is the “payment”. I thought the intimation was some sort of subscription to use Alexa. My bad.
Who pays for Alexa?
Fusion power or cures for diseases.
Fusion power, should it work, would solve a lot of problems. Environmentally, in particular, but if we could get a decent distribution of reactors around the planet we’d alleviate food problems, water problems, and a whole bunch of suffering of one kind or another. Cheap power would help a lot.
Otherwise, anything to help cure diseases. Genetic, auto-immune, cancers, misfortune, whatever. Alleviate more suffering, let people live and work again.
Some kind of internet last stand.
You wouldn’t need to do things yourself; you’d just tell your assistant what you need, and it would tap into the whole world of apps and information to do it for you.
Ah, the promise made by every futurist ever.
They’re always wrong. New inventions are used to unemploy people, insert themselves between you and what you want to extract money, or to try to sell you something.
More like
“Let’s see how people react”
Pihole is great. Been running it for years. It’s almost set-it-and-forget it. There are other ad-blocking services, some free and some not, some with more features but those are usually non-free. Many don’t require the setup that a Raspberry Pi does.
Downsides to Pihole:
People who use your wifi will stay with their old habits of clicking one of the first search results which is usually “sponsored”, an ad, and it will be blocked. People get irritated and it takes them a while to come around.
Raspberry Pis tend to eat SD cards. It’s gotten a lot better and it doesn’t happen as often, but once you get the Pi set up correctly, make a backup mirror of the card so it’s easy to get a new one up and running should the card fail.
The best mobile manager (Pi-Hole Remote) just went non-free for a bunch of features.
It doesn’t block everything. A standard suite of browser plugins for ad- and tracking blockers should be used.
Sometimes a website or service won’t work correctly and you have to sort out whether it’s a browser ad blocker or pihole that’s causing the issue and whitelist the address.
The good stuff-
You can create a VPN on your home LAN, use DDNS, and connect when you’re out and about to get ad-blocking on your mobile. Particularly useful for iphones where they don’t let you have ad-blockers for your browsers.
Customizable blocklists, blacklists and whitelists. There are several user-made lists out there that are useful.
You can easily see what is “phoning home” on your LAN and block it if you want.
Easy to update, easy install on a RPi, and if you install a VNC you can update and manage remotely without Pi-Hole Remote.
It’s free.
That’s why the republicans love them. Telling lies = strength.
It should be left Americano. It’s called that because Americans couldn’t handle the stronger coffee or espresso and wanted it watered down. Weak. “Americano” is kinda insulting by itself. But whatever works for you.
TBF, Russia still has elections. Just no chance of Putin ever leaving.
I think it’s because people know what’s unpopular, but the heavy stuff, they don’t want to be associated with. So they choose milquetoast unpopular opinions, which aren’t really unpopular as much as maybe a minority.
That’s pretty much it as far as the /comm goes.
Change for the sake of change. Some gui design department justifying their existence. Hate.
True. They probably get downvoted to oblivion.
Unpopular opinion is just posting things that plenty of people actually agree with. Like pineapple pizza. An actual unpopular opinion would be something like agreeing with restricting abortion or something difficult that elicits very strong feelings.
A bunch are usually people disagreeing and making up situations to make themselves right… i.e., you posit that the sky appeared blue when you went outside today, the replies are: not if it’s night, not during cloudy days, etc. and at least one that sounds like they disagree but are reiterating what you just said.
Their version of free speech is to prevent you from contradicting the lies they continuously spew and then paint your rebuttal as an attack on their rights to spew them. They’re the victim of leftist propaganda.
Dude, do I really need to pedantically qualify my question with “I would like a list of manufactured devices produced for sale with the chip already integrated, not hobbyist or ersatz devices in limited quantity? Nobody needs that, and a reasonable person would understand I’m not interested in what joe schmoe built in is garage.
C’mon, it’s like you’re looking for an argument. No shit we can’t have a list of every device based on your criteria, but we can reasonably expect to know what manufactured large-run devices do have it, and I think that’s a reasonable take on my question.
So your argument is what? We shouldn’t have a list because the chip is user friendly?
Or you can aggressively tailor them. I still use FB because I enjoy several industry and hobby groups there. With a few FF plugins and proactively closing any ads, FB is completely usable and enjoyable.
Any social media you can’t control like this is definitely problematic, but I haven’t explored too many other platforms to see if they can be tailored. I did abandon Threads because it’s a right wing toxic troll hellhole with a shitty design, so some can’t be “fixed”.
I got it. I think it was 3 weeks. Unfortunately it was unpaid. I had to take on extra work before and after to make up for the loss in income. It was all we were allowed.
I would do it again. Those 3 weeks at home are irreplaceable. Should it be paid? Should it be longer? Abso-fucking-lutely. But paternity leave? Take it if you can get it.