You mean the car they have been paying down on? That’s less expensive
You mean the car they have been paying down on? That’s less expensive
Space X should be nationalized
Elvis covered it. I just found out Nelson never wrote it. Saw Willie Nelson 15 years ago with John Mellencamp and Bob Dylan. Willie and John were great.
Her ex-husband produced most of Def Leppards albums through the 1990s so he has ties to UK radio.
They haven’t had a hit in a while thoughthe singer Darius Rucker has had some success as a solo country artist.
“You Are Always On My Mind” is worth a listen.
His books are worth reading.
He’s also a good novelist. I dislike his music. I dislike many of his fans as they tend to be the kinds of people who love the Grateful Dead and Reagan at the same time. His books are good.
Im not sure they are still a thing. Their hits were few and 15-20 years ago. As an American I wouldn’t call them big here.
“though he’s certainly an expert when it comes to usage”
Appeal to authority popping up again? Fry is not an expert in usage. You are ceding him credibility he has not earned.
Your sociolinguist isn’t backing your claim like you think. Go to 2:45 and listen to her talk about how rules only need to be consistent within the dialect. What other Greek words ending in “pus” gets pluralized in English as "i? There aren’t any I can think of so your source might actually prove my point.
Panama’s sanctions make world wide shipping much harder for Russians
We don’t use it in English. We just retain the latin plural for Latin words. We don’t use Latin plurals for Greek words that use a different standard for pluralization.
You made an appeal to authority when you provided the Steven Fry video. Fry is not by any standard an expert on the English language or linguistics. He is an actor and he has written non-academic pieces that are not on linguistics.
There’s no reason to roll your eyes when someone rejects your non-expert source as it is an appeal to authority.
Yes, but it explains why Panama is a US target now
“ Panama is a key partner in the implementation and enforcement of sanctions on entities and individuals designated by U.S. and UN sanctions regimes, including sanctions relating to Cuba, Iran, Nicaragua, North Korea, Russia, Syria, and Venezuela.”
Every single plural you list is derived straight from latin. If you created a neologism for a previously non-existent concept you would pluralize it with “s” in English eg email becomes emails not emali. The “i” as a plural is only for words taken straight from Latin.
I watched it. I don’t place any value on youtube videos made by people speaking outside their expertise.
It very much is. Canada will be housing much of the human population in the Northwestern quadrant of Earth in a few decades. We really need to get our shit together and quash racism if we want humanity to survive.
The sad part is some of the nice guys actually read it because it is interesting. I was a former nice guy decades ago. I loved my women’s studies in school because most of my classmates were 50+ year old women so just listening to their perspective as a 18 year old guy on things was so different from what I normally experienced. I learned a lot.
Greenland houses some key NATO sites that monitor the arctic. These are mostly used to make sure Russia stays in Russia.
The other non-Russian factor that I don’t see people discussing is climate change. The northern areas are going to become more habitable and having Greenland and Canada means the US population has somewhere to go. This is the motivation for a lot of things they aren’t talking about because it is evil.
You can choose which evil is motivating them I believe it’s both.
By “Massachusetts” do you mean it’s current borders or the original ones that we refer to as New England?
I mean I was? I thoughtWillie Nelson wrote it.