I’d love to move to Canada. How can I find a job there?
I’d love to move to Canada. How can I find a job there?
Readable code is especially important when companies lay people off every six months so you constantly lose expertise
Sure, just don’t take out college loans for a useless degree. I have a BSc in Computer Science and it is basically completely useless right now. I can’t even land a shitty help desk job that pays fast food wages right now
I applied to 600 jobs last year, had 30 interviews, and only had 1 job offer that was revoked after Emperor Elon took over. Things have been completely hellish for me.
More like a global depression that governments won’t admit was a depression because the economy is completely shareholder centric with very little consideration for workers. New grads did the occupy Wallstreet protests because they spent multiple years unable to find a job. It was a nightmare that destroyed the lives of countless working class people
We know that, but MAGAts think they can dictate gender which is why this comic is making fun of them
In what way are possums pests anywhere?
Anarchism is never an answer, it’s usually willful ignorance about there being any problems.
AnCaps drive me nuts. They want to dismantle democratic institutions while simultaneously licking the boots of unelected institutions.
No, we cannot think like that. It is true that fascism cannot be beat peacefully, but we should never want them to suffer. We should always strive to crush their fascist oligarchy with as little suffering ss possible.
“Whoever would be a slayer of monsters must take heed, or they may become the very monsters they slay… For when one peers into the abyss, the abyss peers back into thee” -FN
LLMs can be great for translating pseudo code into real code or creating boiler plate or automating tedious stuff, but ChatGPT is terrible at actual software engineering.
Into the pockets of the 1%. Our entire country is designed for the 1% to fleece every thing we do for their own profit. Thats why our defense budget is out of control. That is why healthcare costs are out of control. That is why we spend the most per student on education with terrible results.
The same shit happens in Russia. The oligarchs steal money from everyone and everything. With Elon Musk on the throne, the US is now every bit as corrupt and broken as Russia is.
At least for boomers, loyalty was often rewarded with promotions, bonuses, and generous pensions. But these days companies will work you to death and then fire you for a 0.0001% boost to their quarterly profits. They’ll fire 10,000 people just so the billionaire shareholders can earn 1% more.