I tried but mah back!! 😵
I tried but mah back!! 😵
If it’s falling towards you, it is indeed good to pay attention to that. Also, please accept my apologies that our bullshit is spilling over the line.
They’ll surprise-pikachu when WWlll starts and they don’t know how we got there.
Don’t an hero when there’s cool games like super smash bros and mar!o party.
Wouldn’t want to embarass yourself
That hasn’t been the trend though.
Came here to say this. Just make a macro of anything you’re doing regularly. As much as I’d like to get away from Adobe, photoshop has some really good macro functionality.
It’s not just Lemmy either. Every platform is looking like this. At least people have woken the fuck up.
In many ways, China already has surpassed the US.
This sounds awesome! Does it need any beefy hardware to work?
I agree. When you’re spending a third of your day on the thing it’s worth investing in.
(says the guy with no proper chair)