Thor dropping a mountain on my head.
Thor dropping a mountain on my head.
Maybe, I’d have to wonder how many of those treaties are still validly in effect. Especially since they were probably set up at the same time Germany was partitioned after the war, and now it’s not. So the entities in agreement might not exist. I’m pretty sure a treaty with East Germany is only worth it’s value as a historical document these days.
The idea of sharing nukes is really just a logistics solution. It’s the same reasoning that led Ukraine to get rid of their nukes. Upkeep is expensive. Sharing with France and UK splits that cost, without having to create duplicate infrastructures. It’s affordable nukes for all to balance the dual problem of, you have to have this thing you never want to use, and that thing you have to have is stupidly expensive.
In case you missed it, the US just effectively abandoned NATO. What security you think it has, it doesn’t. Which also means you can’t depend on any ally that depends on the US, which is all of them.
No one is calling for an arms race, no one needs a thousand nukes. But the ability to erase the dozen biggest cities of an invader is the only effective deterrent these days.
Not having nuclear weapons makes your country a target before the nuclear war. Also even the Afd would be unlikely to launch nukes for the same reason Putin hasn’t, it’s a suicide pact.
It doesn’t really change the power dynamic at all. Poland would end Putin, even if it meant their annihilation, and they have the capability to do it on their own. Also, as much as Trump is on Putins side, it’s still actually illegal for US troops to invade European countries. And nothing but a law annulling US treaties from congress can change that. US treaties are US law is a basic foundation of military education. The sycophants at the top can’t change that, meaning they will have dissension in the ranks when they try to send illegal orders.
Trump is caught in the problem that his approval drops faster as he breaks the law faster. And if it drops too fast, congress will fight back to keep their own jobs. Starting a war with NATO, Canada, or Mexico would be the end of him. As much as his cult follows him, they’re still a minority of the country, and his hold on the media is simply driving the populace to uncontrolled media.
If not for someone to stop him, yes Putin would march all the way back to East Germany. As it is, he’s most likely going to get stuck before touching Poland. And touching Poland would be the end of Putin almost immediately.
I’m saying if your use case makes regex the best option, you’ve gone the wrong way and should turn back. There are definitely corners you can paint yourself into that make it the way to go, but you’ve ended up there through a series of bad ideas.
Turns out the million hours of coding put into SQL, makes it a better option than regex, even for xml based files.
If you’re needing that level of complexity in a text file search, you already fucked up by putting the data in a text file. There’s a reason data file formats exist.
Never debug regex, just generate a new one. It’s not worth the hassle to figure out not only what it does, but what it was meant to do.
Better yet, just write it out in code, and never use regex. Tis a stupid thing that never should have been made.
I am always sarcastic, it’s just my nature. That said, where you are on the food chain is the basis of all power to affect the world/universe. That’s who ‘gave’ us the power to decide if another species should go extinct. We took it, as all power is gained. There was no giving involved. Once that power is gained, giving it up, is giving up your position on the food chain. In a very literal sense. Otherwise you’re not giving up the power to kill another species, you’re just choosing not to. Which in most cases is the best choice, and also is what gives you the choice of tolerance.
As for motivation to interact with the world, that’s personal. In the long run we’re all space dust decaying to barely perceptible heat. In the short run, finding your own contentment might require some adjustments to the world around you. Even just enjoying the day may come at the cost of tomorrow, so choose your actions well.
Power is never given, it is taken. Might makes right is the only law of the universe. Who gave a cheetah the power to eat a gazelle? Who gave a fungus the power to kill bacteria? The question of tolerance or intolerance is a question of when to use, or not, the individual or collective power of a person or group.
As to when is it right to extinct a species, would you save the dinosaurs from the asteroid? Bear in mind, you extinct your own species if you do. And who gave those dinos the right to use up a whole planet’s worth of resources, that mammals are obviously better suited to make use of. Extincting a species is making ecological room for other species to evolve. It’s just that right now, humans are demonstrably horrible at choosing which species should be around, or not.
Also I highly recommend Dr. Who for the hidden morals wrapped in often ridiculously stupid sci-fi fun.
I’m still partial to the general philosophy of Dr Who. Killing is to be avoided even at extreme cost. But when survival is put on the line, it’s time to put a bullet in someone, or blow up their entire species. When you reach that point, go as far as you have to, in order to make sure you don’t have to again.
Eh, kind of intentional. If you’re gonna fuck around, you’re gonna find out.