Oh, how I wish spoilers worked in my Lemmy app…
Oh, how I wish spoilers worked in my Lemmy app…
It only counts if you get caught, after all
What a waste of taxpayer money. Maybe all that claptrap about government waste was just a confession after all… /s
The intersection of those people and the people who just stick whatever the AI writes into their Production codebase is a circle.
Mangione for President
He almost certainly abuses ketamine. He got his dealer a job in DOGE, after all.
Melon Husk has access to the innermost systems of the US government, without oversight.
Which of the systems has he and his team of cryptobros left in the DMZ?
Perhaps they could try giving an AR to every employee and putting up a banner that says “Murica! Patriot Freedom! Yee Haw!” on the entrance.
Those words are like a magic spell that short-circuits idiots’ brains.
Hey thanks. That’s something I didn’t even know existed, and it’s something I’ll have to look into before I make the switch.
This is by design. They’re trying to frustrate you, because they’ll then upsell you on the “premium” subscription later on that returns the “old ways,” all while mining your data. And if you continue to use the free stuff, they’ll just mine you harder with AI.
They’re angling for a rent-based economy where they’re the landowners and we’re the sharecroppers paying to use their stuff. The only way out is to de-google and start taking your privacy seriously.
Removing CSAM is censorship. Removing hatespeech is censorship. What you call censorship is just moderation, and it’s necessary.
Libertarian free speech is a pipe dream, and trying to implement it always ends up giving a platform to bad actors like Nazis and child predators. Nobody here wants to recreate 4chan and 8chan except people who have an agenda.
OP appeared to break the rules and then followed up in that same community with a snarky jab at the moderators, rather than having a discussion with the mods like an adult.
Here. Witness the definitely earnest questions from OP that the mean ol’ moderators removed. /s
They’re intentionally hiding that bit, because they don’t want you to have a full picture of what they did and why they’re now spamming as many communities as possible to get sympathy.
I don’t think they’re actually curious. They’ve already had this exact discussion on Ye Power Tripping Bastards hours ago, and they’re apparently trying to drum up sympathy on as many subs as possible while playing the victim. Go look at their recent post history.
If they have time to spam multiple subs over the course of many hours and didn’t even take the time to look it up on Wikipedia themselves, they’re obviously not that interested in learning something and more interested in pushing some kind of agenda while feigning ignorance.
I’m actually waiting with baited breath for the release, because Universal Blue is already cooking a Cosmic version in the meantime. It will be awesome to rebase to that when it’s ready.
It hasn’t been mentioned publicly, because of the fact that it’s still Alphaware, but you can find it in their GitHub repos.
See? Better than what he deserved.
And the owner wants to “automate” the US government with AI.
The idiots are in charge.
Christianity is Anarchism
No it’s not. It’s literally “believe in Yaweh or else,” a concept whose very heart is authoritarian dictatorship.
Jews believe that when you die, you go to Sheol (akin to annihilationism), regardless of what you did in life. A very select few even among Jews were ever thought to be allowed to live with Yaweh in heaven. Christians believe in the idea of hell (and sometimes purgatory), an idea introduced during Hellenization and borrowed from Egyptian and Greek influences; failure to follow the rules correctly means torture in death.
It’s no accident that Christianity has been a feature of early Nazism and modern revivals of it. It’s no accident that Christian Nationalism happened. The New Testament primes Christians to follow leaders without question, if you are indoctrinated to take its texts literally.
Anarchism and its sub-groups are the very antithesis of the gigantic, centralized authority that is Yahweh.
Here’s what Grok has to say…
Ah yes. Not only are you deferring reason to an AI, but you’re deferring to one made by a fascist billionaire. And because you cherry-picked your verses and ignored everything else, you ignored the fact that modern Christianity is filled with stupid rules, just like ancient Judaism, all in service of centralizing power under a god that y’all can never seem to demonstrate is real.
We get to join the idiots, because even when some of us want to, we don’t seem to have the ability to stop them.
Yeah, but you and much of the business world have intelligence and strategy. Elon is the guy who thinks he can just pay some Chinese gamer to play a game for him, then pretend he did it himself; that’s his version of “brilliant strategist.”
It’s no wonder he can’t figure out how to automate anything safely or correctly, because he doesn’t actually understand how to do anything himself, and he can’t just pay some Chinese rando to do it for him.
He has nothing to lose by competing. He owns a stake in Reddit, and he’s rebooting a competitor. He wins either way, and striking out on his own has a better chance of making him more money than relying on his stake.
If he fails and Reddit “wins,” he still has his stake to fall back upon.
Still not on Boost, unfortunately.