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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 18th, 2023

  • Fair enough.

    I have always had rather sporty vehicles so the suspension of mine (2021 3 competition) feels just fine. Sporty, rather hard, but not uncomfortable. Not floaty of course. Some people put a kw suspension for about 3k, which apparently makes it much better than comparable cars. I test drove one and didn’t notice that much of a difference, so passed on the upgrade.

    As for the materials, they are average or above in its price class. New VWs are notably worse. BMW are notably better but also 30% more expensive. Haven’t been in an ioniq but non-electric Hyundai and kias are worse IMHO. The interior design is clearly very subjective, but the materials are just fine. Not a lot of hard plastics or anything like that, everything you touch is… fine.

  • Obligatory fuck elon before I write the rest of the comment.

    I have had a Tesla for 4 years now and as a car they are quite good (newer models got worse).

    Super cheap to run, no oil, no filters other than cabin air, no yearly dealership maintenance to keep the warranty. And you charge it at home, super cheap and convenient. (yeah, same applies for any other electric car).

    Repair costs (had a few fender benders) are comparable to my old BMW, maybe a bit lower. A door handle never broke on mine, but I just looked and found one on ebay for 15 EUR in case it breaks in the future. Can’t say it’s unreasonable. There’s simply less mechanical things to go wrong with the car, and over time the 3rd party shops can do almost everything, for a similar price to any other car. And if/when the battery ages (8 years warranty), you can still use it at home.

    Fun to drive, too, and quite efficient, more than most electric cars.

    Nowadays I would never buy one new, and even used it somewhat does rise the price of other Teslas, but I’m not planning to sell mine, I would lose quite a lot of money to end up with a similar car. I am in the market for a second car and it’s definitely going to be electric, but no chance for a Tesla.

  • That’s the American way of doing things. Wild deregulation and dependency on billionaires, because freedom or some excuse.

    In Europe, the EU mandated years ago CCS2 for all cars, tesla included, so the whole continent’s (UK, CH, etc included) infrastructure is compatible with every car, just like gas stations. Tesla operates like 20% of the infrastructure so if they disappear it will be a minor nuisance, and only for the time other operators gobble up the locations. If power and permits are already in place, it’s a question of a few weeks to install the transformers and charging points.