Count Regal Inkwell

Nerd|Furry|Linux User|Ace|BiRomantic|Taken <3

Leftist with an incorrigible love for fancy aesthetics (mostly Renaissance Italy/Victorian England) that might be incorrectly read as a monarchist because of that.

Unicorn, but also occasionally gryphon.

  • 13 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • As an animation nerd I gotta mention Shrek. As a parody of “Disney princess movies” it killed the entire genre dead.

    The only time Disney tried to play the tropes somewhat straight again was the Princess and the Frog, and THAT was a major flop (though racism probably also played a part in that).

    Since then Disney only made remakes or titles like Frozen that spend 70% of their runtime mugging at themselves and poking fun at their own tropes (… While still circling back to them anyway and failing to make any point or commentary)

    On a less “this made a major cultural impact” note and more of a “this personally completely altered my entire sense of humour and replaced the original in my heart” – SnapCube’s Realtime Fandub Games Sonic Adventure 2

    Oh oh ohohoh! Just remembered JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. Very much a manga that was poking fun at contemporaries like Fist of the North Star… And while it didn’t outlive or outdo them per se, it definitely gained a life of its own, continuing to this day and actually being quite influential in its own right.

  • World War 3.

    But it won’t be a nuclear war that ends the world. (un?)fortunately. – Nuclear war doesn’t benefit the elites – Instead it will be a jillion proxy skirmishes all over the developing world, as countries get puppeteered by Russia/China/USA into fighting their battles, and said countries get ‘support’ in the form of weapons and training that will breed a whole new generation of extremist regimes and terrorists.

    In the end, we’ll be back to the same ol’ same ol’ – Life gets shittier for everyone in a gradual, painful, tedious way.

    1984 with just a hint of Wall-E.