Open can suck some dick.
Open can suck some dick.
A war will happen.
It will either be a civil war within the US but involving all of North America.
Or the literal 3rd world war. With usa and Russia fighting against Europe, where Canada is one of the main battleground.
I really wish I’m wrong, but I predicted drump’s colonialist ambition over Canada years ago. I also remember being laugh at by everyone around the table at a diner for saying conservatives were making nazism acceptable again. Well guess what…
Heu… de quoi? Excel et actualité?
Looks like we have a noob that wouldn’t survive 10 minutes in a kitchen lobby here. Everyone knows that cooking with steam preserves nutrients, enhances flavor, and retains the natural texture of food.
If your in for a wild ride, you can post something like “Steam sucks”, or ask anything about “Hexbear”. If you just want positive attention, go with “What’s the best distro for…?”
what a whiny bitch you are lol
Found the guy who didn’t vote lol. Keep being a little bitch, meanwhile we’ll keep fighting for you, loser. https://stacker.com/stories/business-economy/major-boycotts-changed-history
Just avoid everything GAFAM. They were already capitalist bitches, now they’re fascist capitalist bitches.
Is this loser buying his own cars to try to fraud the government now? “We sold 68 tesla each hours in this location were there’s literately people protesting in front of the dealership.” Of course you did lol. What a pathetic clown.
I’m sure there’s a lot of good american cheese but I thought this “cheese product” was the subject. I actually enjoy it from time to time, but I can’t bring myself to think of it as cheese. Like cheez weez for example, I like it sometimes, but it’s just a different product in my mind. And man that Halloween orange color… just… who got this idea…why?
Honestly if you ever tasted anything else than cheddar and mozzarella, you know that americans cheese is something else. I’m willing to bet you could leave some slices in a forest and no animal would touch it.
Does saying “The only good fascist are very dead fascist” counts? What if I add that USA is a fascist country now? Will saying Donald is a pedophile still counts (I got banned for it already lol)? What about saying my favorite sport is nazi punching? And if I add that there’s no such thing as “roman salute”?
Is Reddit about to drop a new t-shirt line “Protect fascist’s feeling” or something?
They want to protect Elon’s feeling I suppose.
France should take the Statue of Liberty back. The US gov will probably replace it anyway, by one of Donald having is golden balls sucked by a sexy eagle while driving a cybertruck, or something.
Au Québec il est maintenant impossible d’étudier dans une institution des études supérieures (Cégep et Universités) sans avoir de smartphone et accepter de partager ses informations personnelles avec Microsoft. En tant qu’enseignant, j’ai essayé de me battre contre ces politiques discrimatoires mais je me suis retrouvé bien seul.
The only problem is that the vast majority of those guns are owned precisly by the most brainwashed americans. I’m Canadian and for the first time of my life I’m considering getting a weapon.
There’s litteraly a recording of the biggest pedophile of the past 60 years saying Donald was his “closest friend” and nobody in the party of “familly values” cares. Their could be a signed picture of peDonald groping 5 years old kids and his voters would just ignore it or blame it Clinton. It’s called cognitive dissonance. More radical actions are needed against fascism.
Gosh no, not in Canada.
They paid 170k for a great house in one of the nicest neighborhood of Montreal in the 90s. I’ll be paying 3x more for a super basic house in a shitty neighborhood. I was lucky enough to buy a house before the pandemic so I made a profit selling it, but even with that I won’t even come close to their way of living.
Spending the first 2 month of my child’s life with them was one of the best things in my life.