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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • You can mostly opt out by bugging out to the woods to homestead. Taking advantage of the many amenities of society is opting in. “The state” is just your neighbors, and their neighbors, etc, extrapolated out to the whole country. Despotic governments don’t just appear from the aether, they are established and staffed by someone’s neighbors.

  • I believe most religions started as good faith (no pun intended) attempts at roughly the same thing: contextualization of the metaphysical order of the universe.

    Like the parable of the unseen elephant, God is a concept beyond true human perception, and every religion is like a man groping in darkness at one aspect of the bigger picture. When we approach the subject with a perspective informed by each of these outlooks, we develop a more diverse and comprehensive conceptualization of Order. Even better when we compare these outlooks to find overlap where most tend to agree.