Why would you expect an aggregator-and-comment site bought and rebranded by reddit-cofounder O’Hanian to end up significantly different than his other aggregator-and-comment site?
Why would you expect an aggregator-and-comment site bought and rebranded by reddit-cofounder O’Hanian to end up significantly different than his other aggregator-and-comment site?
I checked the version on my Brother printer, and it’s something like 1.4; the reported issues start around 1.6 or something. I’ve made sure it doesn’t have access to the internet and that auto-updates are also disabled; hopefully the printer will continue working on it’s own. I’ve also downloaded the drivers and software for every o/s the printer works with, so that I’ll hopefully have a non-nerfed version of the computer software for whenever I end up having to upgrade my computer.
They have options to add in like birdsong and wind chimes to your personalized mix. The idea isn’t necessarily to drown out the noise you’re hearing, it’s too make the noise more acceptable.
Like loud diesel trucks drive me nuts. But I toss on a thunderstorm, maybe a bit of purring cat, and I can ignore them.
Have you tried a white noise generator for your sleeping issues? There are several early available, I happen to use TMSoft’s White Noise. It has a lot of options for sound. I use a mix of pink noise for overall masking, heavy rain to make the pink noise more palatable than a plain hum, and an extreme thunderstorm - adding the extra thunder helps me sleep through bass sounds like vacuum cleaners and garbage trucks.
Or, y’know, he could hire 50% more programmers / contractors, instead of overworking his current staff
I’d suggest that, if there’s a topic over on reddit that has topics you’re interested in, try starting a thread over here on that topic, even if the community here is “dead”. Because “dead” communities can be resurrected, they just need activity. Asking a question on a topic is activity; posting an answer to the question (even if it’s your own question and you had to go to reddit for the answer) is activity and provides a resource here for other people to use. And if it’s something you found out on your own but it’s not new, try posting a YSK or TIL in the appropriate local community. You may not get replies, but we’re not going to become a fully viable alternative unless people contribute little bits where they can.