Also, there’s no such thing as “unbiased”, it’s more constructive if people are upfront and honest about their biases, but that takes self-reflection and self-knowledge.
Software Developer from a germanic region in south Brazil.
I may occasionally post about #software, #dotnet, #csharp, #fsharp, #politics, #theology, #christianity
Politically leaning towards #ChristianAnarchism
ora et labora
Also, there’s no such thing as “unbiased”, it’s more constructive if people are upfront and honest about their biases, but that takes self-reflection and self-knowledge.
Do any exist?
Abortion is sometimes the less monstrous alternative in a horrible situation, and it should never be seen as less than that.
Women should have enough social safety nets that abortion would never even cross their minds.
It is mostly Capitalism with its focus on productivity and selling youth and beauty that pressures women into it, women are “freeing” themselves into Capitalistic slavery.
From: “leftist” privileged cis het white guy, feel free to ignore or bash me
No country should be bigger than 200000-400000 km²