A self-hosted photo/video viewer which presents itself as an Open Directory that maps closely to the underlying file system and also includes the ability to view images and stream videos. If videos are too large/incompatible with the user’s browser, they should be transcoded on the fly (optionally with the gpu). Genuinely surprised something like this doesn’t exist
Same, I also use Cloudflare dns, tunnels, and pages. Having these all in the same place makes it easy to deploy/keep track of everything
I see this being useful for senior/assisted living care. This isn’t a job many people want to do, doesn’t pay well, and requires ungodly amounts of patience
I use OVH. Reasonable prices, very reliable, and no bandwidth caps
This perfectly illustrates America’s 2-tiered justice system: one for the wealthy and one for the little people. If I torrent copyrighted material, I risk fines/jail-time. If a big corporation like meta does it, then it’s allegedly “fair use”. To be clear, what OpenAI is requesting isn’t remotely close to the original intended purpose of fair use. Worst part is that small/independent creators will (if they aren’t already) be most adversely impacted by such selective application of copyright law