I just hope they have been recording their experiment log the right way, across multiple unconnected computers.
I just hope they have been recording their experiment log the right way, across multiple unconnected computers.
Many people in lemmy is highly primitivist and tech conservatives. Meaning that they don’t actually want any technological progress.
Quantum computer do exist. And have existed for some time now. Breakthroughs have been achieved several times.
I’m in the same boat I find incredibly hard to bond with anyone.
I wish I had advice.
I’m friendly with people, and people is friendly with me. But I don’t bond. Specially with people which I share interest with I seem 100% unable to form a good friendship to, which is very frustrating.
Anyway, you are not alone.
That guy is a moron.
But AI assistance in taxes is also being introduced where I live (Spain which is currently being government by a coalition of socialist parties).
Still not deployed so I couldn’t say how it will work. But preliminary info seems promising. They are going to use a publicly trained AI project that has already being released.
The thing is that I don’t think that precisely that is a Musk idea. It’s something that have been probably been talked about various tax agencies in the world in the latest years. The probably is just parroting the idea and giving them project to one of his billionaire friends.
In Spain we trained an AI using a mix of public resources available for AI training and public resources (legislation, congress sessions, etc). And the AI turned out quite good. Obviously not top of the line, but very good overall.
It was a public project not a private company.
Because an AI is not a human brain?
It’s impressive how the technology have advanced in the last years. But obviously it is not a human brain.
Let’s put it in simpler terms. Imagine it’s a French made move and meta just ripped it and it’s selling it back in the web.
As soon as that product, the riped french movie, is available in France for sale they are selling it through their French branch, which would be breaking French law on French soil, thus could be easily prosecuted.
If they do not comply they could be lawfully ban from operating on France.
Haven’t you seen what happened with twitter in Brazil?
People who don’t care about it and just want a good price, probably.
Still, a sale that does not go towards the Billionaire.
That’s not how international companies work. They ARE in France.
Your annoyance does not pay the bills though. You are annoying yourself for nothing.
I’d just rent a cabin in a nearby mountain.
I don’t see the appeal in going far away from vacation.
I I do actually second thought what I said. As I can be as wrong as any. And if I’m wrong I’m ought to change my mind.
If you talk like that no one is going to want to talk with you.
What the hell did you just write, accusing me of antisemitism?
It’s really hard to even understand what you are talking about, really.
The sacrifices? The slaughter? The jews? The nobility? Shilling? Pogroms? Roblox Minecraft and graphics cards? A supposedly academic level knowledge of LLM but calling them autocorrect?
I’m not going to follow this conversation. That’s just my decision right now.
Autocorrect what the fuck? Models inherently conservative, wtf?
You show a vast lack of knowledge. Probably your source of information is just propaganda.
I know it’s an easy fight to pick. A trending dogma which is easy to support. You don’t really need to think, you just got pointed an easy enemy that’s easy to identify, and that’s easy to just be against and you follow that.
But the true enemy is not there.
Your heart is probably in the good place. But if you waste your strength fighting something useless is an incredible wasted of resources and spirit. You’ll achieve nothing, while the true enemy (which are human beings that doesn’t care about AI being a success or not) will keep laughing at you.
They have been oppressing you since before electricity. If you think AI is a tool needed for oppression you are deeply wrong.
Software have been implied in decision making for decades.
Anyway, the true responsible of a denial in a medical treatment has never been account responsible (except for our angel Luigi), no matter if AI has been used or not.
I don’t really know how it’s better a human denying you a kidney rather than a AI.
It’s not like it’s something that makes more or less kidneys available for transplant anyway.
Terrible example.
It would have been better to make an example out of some other treatment that does not depend on finite recourses but only in money. Still, a human is now rejecting your needed treatments without the need of an AI, but at least it would make some sense.
In the end, as always, people who has chosen the AI as the “enemy” have not understand anything about the current state of society and how things work. Another example of how picking the wrong fights is a path to failure.
Foreign bank accounts and Western Union beg to differ.
There are plenty of paid products that do not respect your privacy and sell your data.
And there’s free products that do respect your privacy and don’t make you the product. They are community products.
For instance I offer my bandwidth and storage to thousands of strangers to share torrents and they do the same to me. No secondhand transactions happening.
They are as useful as the Large Hadron Collider, or the New Horizons probe.
They are instruments of practical scientific research. They may have some return in useful technology or not, but science is always worth it.