I forget that possums aren’t pests in some parts of the world.
I forget that possums aren’t pests in some parts of the world.
Doing the Dark Lord’s work!
Bread, circuses and two minutes of hate.
Get COVID, go back to the neander valley and cough.
Mine are all named for the colour of the case, or case accent when ambiguous, though network infrastructure items are named for their models, being the typical default.
I sometimes use A records or mDNS-SD for the actual services provided and use a *.home.arpa.
Another theme at another site is native fauna and flora names.
No cringe, no pop culture.
Windows on my family members’ devices.
I’ve been in Linux land for so long now that I’ve forgotten windows’ idiosyncrasies… rather they’ve changed since XP.
Everything is hidden/obscured/cryptic. Just recently I needed to my account on my child’s laptop, no way on the login screen to do that. Just their account visible. Turns out that is a feature and requires three different registry settings to disable according to MS’s appalling community support.
Same as it takes on the ISS right now :-)
embedded RTOS
That sounds like a domain where memory safety is secondary to size and speed… though compile time memory safety guarantees could help.
Good thing we have so many options!
Like riding a motorcycle in a tee shirt and shorts.
Not providing any indication that clicking/touching a UI element will trigger an action. Especially on a touch screen.
I have to assume that everything is a button that will do something stupid on every website now.
I recognised the art style! Was hoping someone would post more details.
Fuck C and it’s lazy shit pointer arithmetic array indexing shortcut. I.e. you just add the index × size(t) to the array pointer.
Bounds checking? We’ve heard of it.
All our colloquialisms and such like are still rooted in the old units.
I suppose we might say “fuel economy” but only if we’re trying to sound fancy.
Well, mostly apples.
Because they’re evil. Rather, they don’t place the same constraints on themselves that a good person places on themselves.
Uhn-jun-uhks in NZ TYVM.
That’s the thing, it’s a useful assistant for an expert who will be able to verify any answers.
It’s a disaster for anyone who’s ignorant of the domain.
You put it inside a space station… Or out the earth side portal in an airlock.
Chell put it on the surface of the Moon.
They are introduced in NZ and have destroyed the native bird populations.
We trap and hunt them here.