Sounded like you were saying decrease tip % on account of price %. What you wrote is ambiguous I see. Could also be interpreted as “I tip 15% now and the tip percent should not increase.”
Sounded like you were saying decrease tip % on account of price %. What you wrote is ambiguous I see. Could also be interpreted as “I tip 15% now and the tip percent should not increase.”
Man, Corel Linux looks like a vibe. The box looks familiar but don’t think I ever used it.
Brainwashers and brainwashees. Brainwashers are traitors.
Paul also pulled out of his ass all the insane bullshit that modern evangelical Christianity is based around. “Yeah, uh, God hates gays, and women, and also loves the Roman Empire that killed Jesus.”
Guy’s dead, no evidence either way, so asserting that’s wrong is about as baseless as asserting it’s right. Things like that are far from unheard of.
Because all their living expenses also increased
Contradiction in terms
A lot less than Americans think. Going from memory it’s about 6-8% of calories.
There’s an absolutely ancient meme of someone selling a mirror or TV or something. Circa 2000 ish.