without capitalism we would not have rent or prices of goods and services because people would just get what they need
also, yay, cool hair <3
trans girl who loves girls, banjo, linux, nerd shit, and my dog <3 but i despise capitalism, bigots, and bad vibes.
please dm me on matrix @erotador:catgirl.cloud (im desperate for attention) or dont, im not your mom.
without capitalism we would not have rent or prices of goods and services because people would just get what they need
also, yay, cool hair <3
servo is just an engine, if you want something more like a browser then look into verso
I am already an ordained dudeist priestess, I think it suits me just fine.
why would I give a fuck what god thinks?
I’m also trying to make original content, I’m just bad at life :3
I just say server hosts
not sure how exactly I’m losing my shit? I posted a single link, and let people decide for themselves, if your fine with supporting sexist people then nobody is stopping you.
and personally I don’t care if you think I’m hurting my cause, people who get this butthurt over some simple words and basic respect, simply are not the kind of people who I want to be around anyways.
I’m fairly certain the main dev is swedish
chaotic good? ladybird? the browser by devs that refuse to use your pronouns?
4chan term for a CIA plant
thinkpads but gay <3
gnome user getting confused by customization, seems about right lol.
so we just all buy guns and fend for ourselves? we need communities in order to fight fascism, we need to be able to organize and share valuable information with people. is technology the answer to the problem? no its not, but it is part of the answer, and to ignore that is shortsighted.
i made a mistake on my comment, i meant without capatalism not under it.