Personally I’ve always been a bullied outcast. Society didn’t want me, why do I owe them shit?
Personally I’ve always been a bullied outcast. Society didn’t want me, why do I owe them shit?
There’s no pride in today’s workplace. It’s underpaid demeaning work where hard work gets you nowhere
Our time is one where traditional ways aren’t worth it, or in many cases even possible
Literally the opposite. What are they gonna do? A cyberattack against an instance hosted in Europe? That’s an act of war
You can even do it yourself for the price of wheatpaste and printing
That’s a smart idea. Instances can buy ads for their specializelation
I feel like this issue will solve itself with scale. You’ll end up signing up with the one hosting the community you came over for first and moving if you don’t like it
#6 is the weakest. Software diversity drives innovation.
Tool development is one of the things that we’re going to have to go that. Thankfully Creative Energy being poured into server software and apps is something that’s already happening quite natural even that small user base numbers
Relay nodes are safe, exit nodes require special care. There’s a guide of you’re interested. You basically need a dedicated server with a understanding hosting provider and you will be contacted by law enforcement sooner or later. They usually go away after they learn it’s a dead end
I’m trying to do my part
I haven’t seen any lemmy forks yet
Seriously. For a federation protocol it’s completely busted. For the number of users they have it should be way way more common already but it’s just not because they built it bad. They aren’t making any serious technological innovations, I tend to view their Federation is just a marketing point because it doesn’t seem to function anyway like that in practice. You can self host an activity pub-based service and it just works, you can do it on a $5 VPS and it just works fine no problem
Twitter, the inventor of the hashtag, seems to have softly destroyed it by way of the promoting anyone who uses them because I guess they’re not good for advertisers or something? All the bad assumptions get carried over that we’re going to have to slowly work our way through. I’m not going to place any High Hopes on Blue Sky because I know I’ll just be disappointed but we can Implement basic features and make them not blow just fine and then leave them in the dust
That’s how I feel too. It’s really limits the ability to actually carry on a conversation. The one thing I will say is that a focus on people other than the focus on content gives a different sort of vibe which is situational useful
Although as a format that kind of sucks. It’s not terribly useful for anything more than promoting your blog post or what have you and when you have Nazi seig heiling all over the place it becomes completely unusable
10,000 characters seems good. You want something that most people will never feel constrained by because that allows you to make actual posts. People should not have to comment on their own Post 10 times to express a coherent thought
The original reason was so that you could fit an entire tweet into a text message because that’s how you are supposed to interact with it when twitter first launched and they doubled it later. Having a character one with that short is it strongly discourages any sort of long-winded explanation or coherent thought. Do you feel like you either have to a bridge what you’re saying to fit the sharply artificial character limit or you have to replace yourself over and over which is somehow a thing that’s except it is normal this might be crazy. Thankfully Macedon has always allowed you to set a custom limit and most are very large these days. I think 10,000 characters is a decent default. One of the good things about Ray’s I always allowed roughly that much text which means that you only ever had to replace yourself if you were well and truly effort posting, or that one time someone posted the entirety of John galt’s speech as an epic shit post. This is one way we can beat the corporations and it’s as simple as editing a single config file
Heat pump installers fight against Putin’s power source: oil and gas. That’s half the GDP