Hoo boy I had it going way too fast. I had it moving at 150mm/s. I very strongly suspect this is about 90% of my problem. Layer quality already seems vastly improved a few layers in at 50mm/s. I very much appreciate the insight!
Hoo boy I had it going way too fast. I had it moving at 150mm/s. I very strongly suspect this is about 90% of my problem. Layer quality already seems vastly improved a few layers in at 50mm/s. I very much appreciate the insight!
I haven’t run PLA on this printer. This is actually my second one, I modded my first one to the point of unusability. Maybe starting back with PLA is a good idea.
I’ll try dropping temps and see what I get. Thank you!
I haven’t had issues with curling but the enclosure is pretty new. The room is pretty variable with temps. The windows are old and maybe a little leaky.
Word. I’ll give that a go, thank you.
I have a couple from the hip actually, because America has grifting baked into it’s soul. In no particular order:
As more of these come to me, I’ll try to expand the list.
Update: I can’t believe I forgot chiros! They turned themselves into a religion at one point to try to dodge medical licensure laws.
I switched to exclusively Kagi on my phone and it’s been a pretty pleasant experience. Not perfect, but fairly serviceable. You’re right, it’s way less cluttered. Going back to Google can sometimes be very jarring.