• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2024


  • dude, as much as i’m anti-immigration, you’re overdoing it, and also, your proposals are ineffective.

    in germany, for example, the population that immigrated since 2012 makes up approx. 3% of the total population. that means that the population is roughly 3% larger than it would be without that immigration.

    that is what you should be talking about. 3% larger population means higher workforce (supply of labor), and therefore lower wages (prices for labor). That is because the immigrants add almost no demand for labor (since they have a low buying power).

    Demand for labor is mainly driven by growth, and we’ve had two big waves of growth since 1800: Quantitative (industrialization) and qualitative (IT work). Since both of these two waves end their growth approx. now, the demand for labor goes down. There’s no point in importing more labor force, it would only make the wages go down. That is what you have to talk about: the decreasing wages through the import of cheap labor. It’s essentially wage-dumping in the own country. That is what the people should be talking about. Not racism. We’re not better people than them, we just need to get the workforce smaller to drive the wages up.

    That requires, ofc, that the borders are closed also for goods and products. If products have to be produced inside the country because the borders are closed, companies can’t just do the wage dumping in another country.

    Btw, almost everywhere the number of illegal immigrants is extremely low. In the US, they make up 25% of all immigrants, IIRC, which is not much. There’s not much there to talk about, especially since these illegal immigrants are good at hiding and hard to catch. But what you can do is to study the socio-economic consequences of immigration/high birth rate and then draw your conclusions. If you really care about the people, you’d first close the borders in all developed countries, and then drop the birth rate really really low. That would give power to the people, since they are in higher demand, and keep the wages as high as possible, because the production would stay approx. constant (think the farmland is constant) but the consumption is lowest, so there’s more resources for everyone.

  • No definitely not.

    A long time ago, in the medieval ages, they had some concept called a “just war”.

    It meant a situation where you had to fight someone, but had to do so in a “right way”. For example, consider a duel: You have to talk to your opponent first, introduce yourself, state the reason why you’re having qualms with them, give them an option to find non-violent ways to resolve the conflict, and only if that fails, you start the physical fighting. After the opponent is defeated (for example by giving up), fighting had to stop and the matter had to be considered settled. it was not acceptable to blindside an opponent, play dirty, like attacking them from behind. and stuff like that.

    something similar applied to larger battles as well, btw.

  • sry i’m too tired rn

    maybe another time :D

    here’s a short summary:

    plants produce life out of the four elements (water, air, sunlight, earth), so they are producers of life. animals/fungus are consumers of such life (they eat fruit) and decompose it into urine, air, shit, and heat/energy. so it goes full-circle.

    what, however - you may ask -, is in it for the plants? why produce food only for animals to eat it? it is because the plants get something for it, and that is that animals transport the seed in the fruit around and drop it somewhere far away. so plants get movement or transport from the animals. and that advantage is, in fact, large enough for the plants for it to even bother producing food in the first place. so quite big. that’s not really pseudoscience btw, more real biology done by real biologists, but still interesting :D

    • dollar devalues by 90% compared to present value
    • wages so low / cost of living so high that people can’t pay for bread with their wages, making subsidies / universal basic income a necessity.
    • US goes on the brink of a civil war before the rich agree to pay for said subsidies, probably some people die because of it.
    • US slides into a mixture of tech-authoritarianism/fascism
    • martian settlement/research makes surprisingly fast progress, with wide bi-partisan support because people realize it’s actually a good idea for everyone, creating demand for human labor and driving up the wages.

  • Uff, i have a lot:

    Life on earth is a huge organized organism. It created intelligent humans deliberately sothat we can spread life to other planets. Living beings (plants, insects, other animals, fungi) could not do that otherwise.

    All life is sentient. Sentience doesn’t come from the brain, rather it comes from the hormones in your bloodstream. When we sweat, these hormones enter the air (apparently within the fraction of a second) and other people can smell them. That is how we can instinctually know how others are feeling.

    Also i have a lot of mythology:

    Heaven (realm of all ideas, knowledge and forms) and Earth (origin of mass and material) are a love pair. Because they couldn’t easily meet (there was an insurmountable gap between them), they created a bridge, which is life. This way, heaven supplies the shape (genes), and Earth supplies the body, and these two can be together in this way.

    Viruses are books. They have a cover (shell) and contain scripture (RNA/DNA). We humans let them in because they are nature’s messengers and have a specific purpose, which is to exchange some information.

  • i have that too, a lot. not just when people die though. it is quite different than just a random hallucination, because i get the feeling that an organized intelligence is actually having a plan and giving me specific information.

    like, sometimes, i will have a dream that conveys something important to me, and then i will deliberately wake up in the middle of that dream in a way that makes me remember what i dreamed about, so i can write it down.

    to make an example, just yesterday. i dreamed that an old school colleague of mine is in some sort of deep trouble. today, for the first time in 6 years, i get a text message from a close friend of his that asks me to meet up.