these kinds of asshats are all the same. Only difference is the size of the hat.
I am Glitch Daracova, the breachforged cyberdragon, an immortal god to which age has no meaning. Fear me and despair. If you’re lost, consult my lore (hyperlink missing). My pronouns are Maj/Majs—short for ‘majestic,’ regal and divine, as in “Maj rules majs kingdom.”
these kinds of asshats are all the same. Only difference is the size of the hat.
The only way this would be ok is if openai was actually open. make the entire damn thing free and open source, and most of the complaints will go away.
am a liberal, and yeah, feels about right.
realizing that I’ve been lying to myself for my entire adult life kinda sucks.
I’m the type to beat my head against a wall until the wall breaks. Then through that hole, I lead my friends. Fewer and fewer of my friends follow me through such holes. Last time I did such, I brought all my friends to discord (and now I regret it). It is hard as fuck to convince normies to adopt a new platform. If they’re not already invested, it will take a serious investment for them to give half a shit. I was able to get some people on discord by promising them that I was running a dnd campaign (I was at the time, but it fell apart shortly therefafter), and those people haven’t been on discord since.
How do I convince them that lemmy is the future? I don’t think I can. Fundamentally, lemmy is objectively better than reddit (not for features, but because lemmy won’t ban you for mentioning green mario and other similar administrative bullshits). I wasn’t able to convince them to use reddit back when reddit was good!
The infrastructure is there, and most of the features are there, but the content comes from content creators and they’re not here yet.
For example, we have grimdank, but we don’t have vezimira and emmawatnot. We have users who repost their content, but they’re not posting here directly.
The thing that I am still struggling to wrap my smooth brain around, is that I have an account on a widely federated lemmy instance. Allegedly, I should also see content from mastadon and other federated services. How do I do that? How would I even phrase the question so that a search engine could provide useful results?
actually, imma ask chat gpt. if it spits out anything usefull, i’ll report back.
i’ll check it out, thanks. Posted my list in the original comment.
Not on iOS, but thanks anyway. Posted my list in the original comment.
i’ll check it out, thanks. Posted my list in the original comment.
i’ll check it out, thanks. Posted my list in the original comment.
give me a good rss reader, and I’ll give you my list of feeds. I haven’t checked on them in years, since google reader shut down.
EDIT: As promised, my list:
note: these are bookmarks, not rss links, because, you know, google reader doesn’t exist anymore so I can’t just export a thing. Everything on this list had an rss feed back when I bookmarked it. No particular order.
This list would have been longer, except:
Imma be looking at other comments for things to add to my list!)
If i have to suffer because I’m a dumb dumb, that’s on me. I’m tired of suffering because other people are stupid.
The problem isn’t the updates. The problem is microsoft downloading things and restarting my pc without my consent (annoying me until I say “fine, do it” is not consent). No one but me decides when my machine installs updates and reboots. I know I’m putting myself at risk if I let my system fall behind on updates. That’s on me, it’s my computer, it is my right to make that decision.
I think I may have just done a bad job of explaining my first point:
I’m saying that manufacturers are putting these features on phones that people weren’t going to buy anyway on purpose, in order to support the narrative that nobody wants those features.
There’s counter examples of course, but for the most part I think what I said is applicable.
no one bought it because it was shit. companies do this all the time so they can make more expensive things more cheaply, and force people into buying the most expensive.
I want an easily removable battery. As in, I want to be able to have two batteries, one in my phone and another in a charger and I just swap them once a day. I used to be able to do that, and it was normal. Now, the only phones that have that are either extremely garbage or also feature a barcode scanner and cost as much as a “flagship” device.
I’m glad there’s pronunciations provided, because to me it looks like it should sound like a slur.
while I agree, the reality of the situation is that when you get down to comparing feature to feature, open source solutions tend to be technically inferior to proprietary ones.
I use linux because I hate microsoft, not because it’s more feature complete than windows (it isn’t).
I use lemmy because I hate u/spez, not because it’s more feature complete than reddit (it isn’t).
I use blender because it’s free and it’s actually kinda great, if all free and open source software was like blender, then it would be a no-brainer to use FOSS all of the time, and it would be easy to convince the normies to do the same.
also also
I’m using linux mint, i have minor complaints about it, but nothing worse than what microsoft is currently doing with windows. It’s just different, and that bothers me. middle click paste is the bane of my existence, but other people swear by it. Just before I switched over, I learned about windows 10’s built in emoji keyboard, and I really liked that. A year later (literally last week) I discovered a program that does most of what the windows emoji thingy did, and I can manually edit a keybind for the function to accomplish amost the same thing. FOSS, yay, it’s free if you don’t value your time in currency amounts. FOSS could be so good if only it were good.
yeah, the best time to advertise at me about a thing is while I’m researching thing to buy.
Advertising at me after I bought the thing is useless, I already bought it!
How’d you get a map of my dnd setting?
ok, it’s not a perfect match, but it’s close enough that I feel called out by it.