Asking the machine to think for you makes you stupid. Incredible.
And no, you can’t compare that to a calculator or any other program. A calculator will not do the whole reasoning for you.
Asking the machine to think for you makes you stupid. Incredible.
And no, you can’t compare that to a calculator or any other program. A calculator will not do the whole reasoning for you.
They activated Gemini at work to auto-complete stuff in emails. I work in IT, and I was not aware of that. I was typing the sentence “we will need some help” and was about to add “in the project blah blah” but Gemini came with its amazing auto-completion and added something like “in the street where they sell sausages”.
AI was a mistake, and I didn’t use it since that day. Waste of time, waste of everything.
If you have long-lived branches, I would do as you say: treat each branch like its own release, then merge once it’s ready. Make sure that everyone knows that those branches exist and that they must not create new ones. You could create all the branches at once with specific names so that no one is confused (like 01-chapter_something
, 02-...
La santé des gens divise le gouvernement. J’aime le petit détail sur les “effets de bord” sous-entendu “vous faites chier avec votre nutriscore”.
I’ve been training my own mental model with TPB and a VPN for years. Thanks Facebook for showing me that it’s the legal way to do it!
We have that in France too.
I’m interested to know why it’s done like that. It seems awful. Do you have some SCM like git? Do you have restrictions like working for the army? So many questions.
I’m asking because I’ve seen that a lot in the past and it was always due to bad practices that no one wanted or could change.
What about the Macintosh presentation in 1984 with Steve Jobs where the computer talked in front of everyone?
C’est bête à dire, mais après plus de 20 ans de code dans tous les langages, je n’aurais rien contre finir ma carrière sur du cobol peinard et pas trop mal payé. Mais j’ai l’impression que c’est surtout en région parisienne.
They can take the salary of the CEO to fund the browser, they can ask for donations that go directly to the browser, they can make subscriptions with useful services. So many ideas that they didn’t try in the past 10 years. But it’s easier to get free money from Google and do nothing.
Ce n’est pas mauvais en soi, mais c’est réservé aux outils chiants et internes aux entreprises, façon VBA des années 2000. Et vu le fric qu’ils se font, ils on trouvé une bonne niche en fait.
J’ai connu un dev qui faisait du Windev, c’est plus une mauvaise secte ce truc.
Same for my last job. My bosses and managers harassed and insulted me. They said I was useless and stupid.
I quit with 3 months of “notice” (standard in France to help you find a new job). They didn’t care during those 3 months. In the last week they panicked because they could not find a replacement that did everything I fixed every day.
I also interviewed my replacement, a junior out of school with big diplomas. When I asked if he knew Linux, he said “not really.” I thought “they are fucked with this guy.” They wanted to hire him because he was the son of some guy. I said to my boss that he would be a perfect fit for the company.
Unknowingly I was the kill switch. I sent them one last email with all the information they needed and told them to go fuck themselves in a polite way.
Yes. Tim Apple gave the $1M bribe to Orange Donald.
J’ai du mal à comprendre : Qwant était le pire moteur que j’ai jamais vu. Et Ecosia qui parle d’écologie alors que leur moteur de recherche force l’utilisation de JavaScript, ce n’est pas du tout écolo. Enfin bon, ça va bien avec 2025 tout ça.
C’est mauvais la bouffe en Irlande ? J’aurais pensé que c’était acceptable comme en Écosse.
Make sure that the aftermarket brand is fine with your model though. I have been buying recycled toners at half-price for years and never had any problem.
Also yes, I’ve seen it a lot but playing with toner is described as getting instant cancer, don’t do that.
I can’t sing well, but I see singing as mastering the flow of air in your body, the control of that body, and the recreation of emotions for an audience. That’s a job that is already difficult enough and exhausting.
Yes, Sinatra too. He is obsessed by the 60/70s first rock music (the real kind, not the fake stuff of the 50s) and he’s stuck there.
You know what’s worse? He is listening on a regular basis to singers he hates because they wrote their own songs. Having pure principles is more important that liking something. Yep, he’s fucked up in his head somehow.
Ne pas dire “Tu me rappelles Jean-Marie, politiquement”.