Depends on the cereal. If müsli or granola counts, and you’re allowed to eat it with milk, you probably could live like that. (source: I have lived 4-6 years eating mostly granola)
no thoughts, only froggo
Depends on the cereal. If müsli or granola counts, and you’re allowed to eat it with milk, you probably could live like that. (source: I have lived 4-6 years eating mostly granola)
As much as is possible while having privacy.
You can’t just decide to not be part of a continent.
The UK is Europe…
In that case, would oatmeal be human wet food?
average conversation in this community tbh
Well, thousands of years ago my ancestors came into this place for some fucking reason, and noticed that being naked and hairless means you’re cold at almost all times, save for a few exceptionally warm days in the summer, and in summer, you’d get sunburn or skin cancer, and be covered in ticks and mosquito stings.
They decided to fix their furlessness by wearing the furs they got from the animals they ate, and later discovered spinning, weaving, and sewing. As time went on, being naked became a taboo, and thus people kept wearing clothes even in occasions that don’t require it.
And clothes do tend to have meaning beyond just protecting you from the cold and the sun and bugs. Style and social status.
Oh, so that’s fine when America does it???!!?1!1??1 < average ml. user
If you have a belt, you can sew small bags to put on it. Then you get the best of both worlds.
Guess I’m a very tasty bug.
Yeah, and after the last two Independece days I really don’t trust cops much.
What 2038 bug? Why would it cause a bug?
Think of the advertisers! They need a nice, sanitised environment to keep their bullshit in.
Considering that a lot of human treats and cereal contain cocoa, I’m not sure if that would be a good idea…