This will make you see red. My nephew cannot get vaccinated for legitimate health reasons. His parents were always pro-vax until it came time for the Covid vaccine. Then they became all “mRNA is a new technology, we don’t have enough research.” We basically stopped talking to them after my husband yelled at his brother (nephew’s dad) that he is risking killing his own son if he gets Covid. So fucking stupid. Yes, they are conservative although they claim not to support Trump.
I’m concerned but I don’t know what I can do about that other than make sure my whole family is vaccinated.
Meditation and mindfulness absolutely have scientifically proven effects.
I only wanna do it because I work for myself now. When I was a corporate worker, fuck that noise.
I’m going to tell a story on behalf of my husband.
He was 13 and in Boy Scouts. Their troop was told that some older scouts went missing and the troop had to look for them. They formed patrols and were searching for over 3 hours when the leaders said that the older scouts were located; one of them was disemboweled and needed a medical helicopter to come from Denver. That was the “oh, crap!” moment…
Turns out the whole thing was staged. No one ever went missing. They just wanted the troop to learn how to do search and rescue. There were younger scouts there who were crying and terrified, definitely scarred by the experience.
And that’s how things were done back in the 80s.
For me, the closest was volunteering at a local non-profit that provides temporary housing to immigrants who are released from the local detention center and may not even know where the hell they are. They bus them in from Texas (we are in Colorado) and detain them here. Casa de Paz is the name of the non-profit in case anyone feels generous. They do amazing work and provide much-needed services and tons of empathy for the people they serve.