And it often comes into being because of a CIA coup
It’s like the chicken or the egg question.
Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.
And it often comes into being because of a CIA coup
It’s like the chicken or the egg question.
In the late 90s and early 2000s, internet search engines were designed to actually find relevant things … it’s what made Google famous
Since the 2010s, internet search engines have all been about monetizing, optimizing, directing, misdirecting, manipulating searches in order to drive users to the highest paying companies or businesses, groups or individuals that best knew how to use Search Engine Optimization. For the past 20 years, we’ve created an internet based on how we can manipulate everyone and everything in order to make someone money. The internet is no longer designed to freely and openly share information … it’s now just a wasteland of misinformation, disinformation, nonsense and manipulation because we are all trying to make money off one another in some way.
AI is just making all those problems bigger, faster and more chaotic. It’s trying to make money for someone but it doesn’t know how yet … but they sure are working on trying to figure it out.
I always saw it as a psychological test … they’re trying to find gullible, pliable individuals who can passably do the work and agree to be paid as little as possible and made to work as much and as often as they can.
A bonus for them would be actually finding people they could literally treat like slaves and not pay them anything.
I have peed
You will pee
We must not acknowledge one another
A jungle rule as old as humanity
Do this enough times and eventually no one will want to do business with the US or it’s government.
Who the hell wants to do anything with a leadership that constantly flip flops on everything they say, never means a thing and constantly lies?
lol … Turnip and his cronies are probably jumping on the bandwagon … while also banking on the losses of Starlink
The espresso will still make you pee … just less often because there is less liquid to pee out … if you drink two or three cups of liquid, you’re more likely and more often will be going to the toilet.
If you drink an espresso, you got the hit of caffeine but there is less liquid in the system to want to flush out.
I spent several holidays in the south of Spain and they have about ten different types and amounts and concentrations of espresso. A Spanish breakfast is basically just an espresso and maybe a pastry because they want to be able to work all morning without a toilet break interrupting them. I learned early on from Spanish people that you can just drink an espresso and then go walking around a city for an hour or two without a break for anything for the toilet or even to eat because you’re so hopped up on caffeine (it acts as a hunger suppressant as well).
The opposite of that is Americano. I work in a bit of construction and renovation and before going to Europe, I’d fill myself with drip coffee and go to work … work for about an hour then have to take pee breaks. Nothing worse than being on top of a roof with all your gear, in middle of a ton of work and you have to head down to pee … only to do it again and again (it’s the main reason why you will often see construction workers peeing in a corner on the lawn or just out a window or into a gravel pit or use piss jugs around the job site).
Now I drink an espresso or two if I plan on working at a site for a few hours.
I thought the same thing … I thought Americano was basically just an espresso with a lot of water added to it
One of the reasons why I enjoyed espressos and why a lot of Europeans preferred it was due to the fact that it makes you pee less … same hit of caffeine but no need to go pee every half an hour.
I will sometimes have a pot of coffee a day at home and every time I do, I end up heading to the toilet to pee just about every hour. I really should just switch to espressos but my wife prefers the drip stuff.
Unless it’s a sailor looking out from a ships round port hole
Excuse me, but ummmm, sorry … but Canadian ICBM eh?
Mute button
It’s an old habit I had when all I watched was cable or satellite TV. Commercial comes on, hit the mute button, then do whatever … read a book, stare at the wall, go to the toilet, count my toes, get a snack … commercial is over, unmute.
Mute button, I’ve of the greatest inventions for any and all modern media formats.
I agree and I do my best to watch meaningful content myself like documentaries and programs that actually show or teach me something. However, I sometimes drift into complete stupidity and watch lots of nonsense crap before I realize what I’m doing.
The scary part is that I see lots of young people I’m related to just spending entire days watching complete stupidity all the time.
Exactly … they have control of the Stock Market Casino now
Drive everything into the ground … wait for cheap prices … buy low … let everything calm down for a while and hike up again and then start the cycle all over again
Keep doing it until you’ve sucked all the money out of the land and from everyone.
Win the universe.
All four of them carved onto a sacred natural site known to the Plains Indigenous people of the area as the ‘Six Grandfathers’
If something bad almost happens repeatedly … it’s “bad decisions”
I knew there was a phrase or word for it but I heard a long time ago … I learned it from my mom who was taught by French Canadian cooks, I also saw it in lots of French Canadian recipes and it was all reinforced when I noticed the same thing with recipes I learned from Italian cooking (from Italian Canadian friends who were descended from northern Italy)
For me its frying
Onions, celery and carrots
basically a great start to lots of dishes
Bio was also later disqualified because of WWIII … or was it WWIV? or WWV? … I forget but it was one of them anyway.
Never … the communists / socialists / democratic groups usually reacted because of a CIA financed coup