Are my current guys.
Are my current guys.
Have you considered what drinking from that well is doing to your mental gut flora?
Wait, google does searches now too? Wow they have a service for everything.
Uh…the “badge of honor” would have been quitting back during api-gate and not looking back. Getting banned now just means one participated after that time, providing spez with traffic and value, and helped normalize the behaviour that is only just now a bridge too far.
Today, a ban is the “conciliatory prize of not thinking ahead”.
apparently somebody has time to make memes
A) to be fair, memes are the principal monetization strategy of the internet
B) there is a factory somewhere that is mass producing injection-molded fake dog shit out of plastic and this post is the thing that gets your hackles up about an ineffectual expenditure of time, thought and human capital?
Talk about incentivizing us to make even more impactful kill switches!