- Grad student
- Bad
For a post that sparks good answers that I’m happy to see, I’m sad to see the post itself have so many down votes.
I get this, but
Why not say “I get this, and …” ?
I don’t think the idea of a learn-as-you-go editor goes against the idea of watching skilled devs with their favorite tool
Go to Twitch/YouTube. Watch a senior Vim/Jetbrains/Emacs/VS Code/Helix dev churn out code for a hackathon/advent-of-code, and see what you are (or are not!) missing out on.
If you have “how the hell did they just do that” moments, figure out what that feature is, and STEAL IT. If its too hard to steal, then maybe you are being limited by your editor. Base your “fear of missing out” on what you see rather than random people tossing their opinions around. Only you can answer “how much is that feature worth to me and my workflows?”