You sure about that? From memory It did work with floccus (though it does it in a weird way).
Floccus for Android is a local standalone app, usefull but doesnt read / write to Firefox Android bookmarks …
Yeah maybe my instructions are ment for backups rather than keeping a workflow in sync with all your devices. Sorry for my bad reading skills !
Appreciated still, I backup with restic but indeed these are usefull for backup.
Also, syncing your whole profile between Desktop/laptop and your phone won’t work that easily… They behave very differently and do not have the same directory structure/files on your phone.
This, for me, is the real answer to “Is filebased sync for Firefox possible?”! Because in a pc / smartphone scenario those apps cant work then with each others directories, thanks!
Thnx, so practically not doable. Also file and directory structure differs between PC and Android adding further to the problem.