i disagree. nuclear power is expensive to build (usually exceeding the planned costs), is not resistant to high heat in summer (as shown by french summers), and a proper way of getting rid of nuclear waste is still not developed.
One Big Chart: how does the cost of nuclear power compare to renewables?
CSIRO confirms nuclear fantasy would cost twice as much as renewables https://www.climatecouncil.org.au/resources/csiro-confirms-nuclear-fantasy-would-cost-twice-as-much-as-renewables/
Nuclear reactor in France shut down over drought Chooz Nuclear Plant on Belgian border turned off after dry summer evaporates water needed to cool reactors
maybe have a extra mastodon account where you just follow positive things and radically filter out negative stuff (even with word based filters)
and then i can just recommend:
As a person from germany, this feels weird - like, why do you even need a delivery to the consumer? in germany, we have car seller shops. Even in the case where you live in a rural area, i’d imagine you can go to one such shop with 2 persons and you drive your new car home back and the other person drives with their car home.
I mean, i don’t know stuff about cars, since i don’t even have one (i can rely on trains and busses for my needs)
the solution is waydroid. that way you can run signal and stuff on postmarketos
maybe consider doing smaller steps? joining the testing team, follow the explanations of people, maybe read megi’s blog on pinephone driver development https://xnux.eu/log/index.html
which is great, because it will increase the chance that tesla will go down and with that elon musk.