Yeah. Every day you are not rescuing stuff off of old optical media, is a day you are losing bits of data.
Yeah. Every day you are not rescuing stuff off of old optical media, is a day you are losing bits of data.
I neglected to update for like seven “major” versions recently. I took the safe-ish route to just read every release note as I go and install the last minor version of each major version release, then start, quick check, stop, next one. It turned out fine.
edit: Backup, backup, backup. Then you can’t fail.
Well, I did just start rewatching Community for the n-th time…
If there’s a woman person in the picture, you should assume that someone got horny over it.
Might I suggest taking a pistachio and eating it while you’re shopping?
Penguin plus GNU OS or PenGNUin as I’ve taken to calling it.
Certainly! The letter c
appears in the word strawberry
once at the beginning. Are there any other words you would like to ask about?
The letter c
occurs in the word occurrence
two times. Is there anything else I can help you with?
OP is british so he pronounces it weird. It’s “schedule” for you US folks.
browse all and you never enter the community in the first place
w-what if we s-streetpassed…
just kidding! unless…
What I do is I just jump into Termux and yt-dlp that shit. Then I can listen to it however I want, and I have it for ever, if I want.
edit: (Also I’m just not a huge fan of addons, but if you are and this works for you, that’s cool)