it would give you a sense of pride and accomplishmenttm
good luck with the memory retention though
it would give you a sense of pride and accomplishmenttm
good luck with the memory retention though
some political leaders follow the “gold-and-rule” so there’s that.
on a more local level, neurotic SOs will return social embarassments with a bigger social + maybe internet drama. 🍿
kinda related NPR.
this is just my headcanon, but in a more trump-ideal scenario:
i could figure out when it loops because date is just a number… or two. easily stored.
after i know when it loops, time to start connecting to other people’s storage. there’s like 8.2 billion people so i can potentially get ~8tera of shared experiences. or kick ass days.
then it’s time to hatch from the egg.
one of them is big oil. they lied about climate change.
there’s also big plastic. they lied about recycling being sustainable.
hmmmm, not really in the scale of ‘hot’, imo, but for respect. but it can only work so far. maybe it’s just luck that you encountered a selfish person?