yes but the americans deserve it.
yes but the americans deserve it.
as if these assholes have ever read a history book. they don’t fucking know that.
it should though. everyone should go hard on these parasites. fascists always get a free ride from all the authorities. that’s how they get into power. they never suffer consequences, because all the consequences are fake and designed to stop people from being too free or too communist, both of which fascists also work to stop, so the nation’s enforcement mechanisms see them as friends and go really ridiculously easy on them.
france needs to nail america’s dick to the wall, and declare that no more american goods will be coming into france until these scum pay their debts. maybe even give a ‘we brought you into this world, and we can damn sure take you out of it.’
some of us are neoposadists, and really hoping for it.
I think the number of people they kill and the fact that 99.99% of them are used as gender affirming vehicles for cis men or fear totems for suburban white women means we should not have them.
yes, there is a narrow use case. sure. but a sufficiently souped up small truck designed to modern spec without the limits of japanese law would probably do most of that fine, and the ability to do any, or even all of that, is not worth the cost in human lives and greenhouse gasses that these cause.
where’s the hilux? I know which category it’s in, but I don’t see it with either the actual-work-vehicles or the gender affirming vehicles.
im in favor of any company these fuckers were on the board of or were allowed to hold substantial shares of being nationalized as punishment, if we don’t end up with some form of communism or blasted wastelands after all this. The capital class needs to be shown consequences, and if we don’t get guillotines, they need to at least be forced to watch us sautee their balls.
it was the turn of the 20th century; everybody was a eugenicist. that’s why we say ‘people from the past sucked’.
fun fact: the people who originally coined the phrase ‘invisible hand of the market’ called it ‘the invisible hand of providence’ which basically means ‘gods inscrutable will’. capitalism-at least market capitalism-is literally a religion.
and its god is smiting his favorite special boy. so sad.
true, but there’s a lot you can do on the hardware side with an arduino-or esp32/pi pico if you need networking.
maybe it’s gotten better
I’m sorry, you don’t seem to be familiar with the century we’re in.
how much worse is it than major metros in the empire?
no other parts though. the tits themselves for example are not special. only in the aggregate, and more so in some outfits than others.
well, yes. I don’t think a government can completely align with the values of the people it dominates, they are inherently shitty, but shittiness is a spectrum.
and yes, that is what the CIA is for. that, and cocaine trafficking.
there are cases where this is more or less true. I think the less democratic/representative and more oppressive a government, the less fair it is to group a people with their regime. the saudis have an absolute monarchy that bone-saws journalists in foreign countries.
which probably fucks up their culture something awful, but not in the same ways their government is monstrous.
it literally is a safety issue. people are going to die over this. it’s just not illegal.
cringe cyberpunk. worst genre to live in. at least in the grim darkness of the future you can admit how bad it is.
ugh. i bet that’s exactly the shit they would print nowadays. fucking insult to this country.
wait, are you saying that there’s this class that are the beneficiaries of governments and laws, and it’s the same as the class that doesn’t suffer any limitations when they do stuff that the governments and laws don’t like?
and that we’re in this other class, that the laws and stuff exist to punish, but has to fund them and pay for them, or we get punished for that too?
that’s fucking crazy.
yeah, dude was so good at electrical shit I literally cannot comprehend how he got to some of his ideas from where he was.