For a geometric center you would need a boundary of the universe
For a geometric center you would need a boundary of the universe
Tine machine probably moved in its own inertial reference frame. That will actually get you lost in space because the inertial frame does not orbit around, which involves rotation(rotation is intrinsically non-inertial, i.e accelerating). Time machine’s frame will be moving in a straight line if its inertial
Earth frame isn’t inertial
Well how is MIT more worse than BSD? Both allows prorpietary right?
That’s what einstein said. There is no fixed reference frame, but only relative ones. Every “inertial”(meaning, motion without any external force) frame of reference is equally valid as any other inertial frame movibg with respect to it.
But for sure we can tell earth’s orbit is not inertial since circular motion occur, which is due to external force of gravity.
It may use less aluminum, as the top and bottom surfaces are much thicker
I heard mac won’t shutdown at all but only does sleep and someone mentioned any keypress will wake it from sleep so that you can’t clean keyboard…
So I dualboot and each time i shuts down, i get boot menu. Are you telling me that is not shutdown in windows?
I did the same with python once lol.
I didn’t know enoug python or bash so i mixed both with os.system
BSD license is the only thing that annoys me. Chrome not by google.
This thread was about having to power off “even if there is only one app”, and that’s why i responded as that.
By work i didn’t mean a job. It could be anything, but mostly i need firefox and LaTeX ide, which is just a text editor and pdf viewer(starts in 5 seconds including the time required to navigate and open the file i am editing manually). I also do open many programs but only on demand, but never needed “always” for a working desktop state.
For your case i agree you should put in sleep mode, but the thread was just not about that
Why would you loose that couple percent of battery if boot time is fast and only have two apps for the work
Well yes why not save that battery power
Good thing i don’t
Shit its wake to check for updates🤦♂ So it happens even if there is no update… Thats so fucked up
So they don’t wake when new update arrives but only for prescheduled previously downloaded update?
Windows wakes up from hibernate? How tf is that happening? Also how tf it knows when to update when its hibernated/sleeping?
How can your eyes suck
My mouth suck
Even if you assume any frame is valid, you have to pick inertial frames. So even if you travel few days, you will be off from earths orbit into space since earth is in circular motion which is acceletared