That sentence was going rather predictably right up until the last word. Well done.
That sentence was going rather predictably right up until the last word. Well done.
can be a bit slow because it enumerates every directory recursively from the root you specified, but it let’s you do a lot more than just search by name. locate
is available on most distros and give fast results, albiet from when the index was last rebuilt (usually nightly). They both have the vital property that they output a list of files to stdout for further processing.
Alternatively, you can count to 6 on each digit be counting joints and segments, sostart with the joint with the palm (knuckle), then the first segment, next joint, and so on. The thumb is a little odd because the knuckle joint is near the wrist, but you can still count it.
Using binary (finger up vs. finger down) lets you count from 0 to 1023 though.
Muscle memory mostly. I miss vim keybinding when I have to type in anything else, including Lemmy.
I prefer thumb flicks, like on controllers, compared to mouse movement.
I definitely prefer trackballs to mice, but you do need to find the right one to suit your hand size, shale and your prefered way of using them. I prefer to use my first finger, rather than thumb and was wondering why so many are designed for thumb, but I think you’ve just answered my question by comparing them to controllers.
The slightly awkward thing with trackballs in general is the ball. You’re going back to the good old days of a physical ball with dust and general gunk getting stuck on the bearings. They’re easy to clean, but compared to optical mice it can be annoying.
This makes my deeply uncomfortable, like an itch I can’t quite scratch.
Well you shouldn’t. Take it off immediately, systemd or the sticker, either will do. She’s stated her position on the matter, and you should respect that!
(/jk I’m not actually having a go at you, stickers are cool, and systemd is pervasive)
I can get behind most of these, but:
Trackpad > Mouse
I think you have a typo, surely you meant “trackball > mouse”. Obviouly trackpads are abomnations that have no place in polite company, so you couldn’t have meant them.
Caffeine is now illegal. Force yourself to stay awake and make it everyone else’s problem for enforcing stupid work hours.
You know not what you say, there are strict rules about not letting me interact with other humans before caffeine. That Geneva Convention has things to say about it.
If they’re anything like the pegs I got, vinegar won’t help, they basically crumbled to dust!
I’m going to need you to flesh this out a little bit, then make a web 1.0 style site, complete with scrolling marqe, random fonts and sizes, and a lot of statements along the lines of “if you don’t see the truth of this you are evil and should be thrown off the edge”. Once that’s in place I think we’re good to launch your new conspiracy.