Affirmative. Target acquisition followed by immediate vectoring to intercept, utilizing direct path with max velocity. No countermeasures known to be effective. Once the engagement sequence initiates, surrender of cheese assets is the only viable COA
I’ll be serious for a sec to dispell any misconceptions here about our community. NCD is not anti US military. We’re sad that lockmart is suffering because of shitty policy, but we’re excited for the rise of European, Japanese, Australian MICs.
sexy elf ears
Shout out to Sine_Fine_Belli who originally posted this over on R*ddit
BWOOP BWOOP (Pipe warp sound effect)
🎵 Doo-doo-doo
🎵 Doo-doo-doo
Anoint the CIWS in WD-40 and the blood of the unworthy, and the Machine Spirit shall awaken
If that’s true, then what’s that over there behind you?
Better make it two under each wing so they don’t get lonely :3
Not one step back? Not one atom spared.
Bruh, the next time yall type out this many paragraphs in NCD ya better be drunk ranting about plane bussy I swear to gob.
Now I’m all sad and sore. Thought I was reading fanfic the whole time waiting for the good part. Now everything’s all chaffed and raw. Thanks a lot 😩
The AI knows something
bruh I was just tryna catch some cod and now there’s a Cybertruck high-centered on a wet rock and a broccolihead is tryna vape my boat fml 💀💀💀
(I was really curious what ai would make of your post so I dabbled in some dark magic to produce this)
Probably better suited for NonCredibleDiplomacy
I recently spoke with the senator from Colorado and he’s definitely on our side
As long as we still get to nuke Russia, I’m in.
Recent 180 in US policy causing American defense stocks to tank. Go Euro if you thirsty for that BDE.
Cannon? It’s 2025! If a T-shirt isn’t FPV suicide droned directly into my face, I don’t want it!
Skill issue