I’ll give that a go next time SolidWorks plays dumb. Right now it’s being nice.
Thanks for the tip!
I’ll give that a go next time SolidWorks plays dumb. Right now it’s being nice.
Thanks for the tip!
Here’s the kicker: I work in SolidWorks. I frequently use the measure tool and copy dimensions from an assembly to paste into a part sketch. It used to always work, but lately it hasn’t been reliable, pasting an empty string into the dimension entry instead. However, if I paste the copied text into Notepad first, then copy the text from Notepad, I can then paste it back into SolidWorks just fine.
The end of I’m Your Captain (Closer to Home) by Grand Funk Railroad fits that description.
Katy, you’re a firework!
What sneaky?
ITT: a whole bunch of people more worried about scratching or bumping their car in a parking lot than possibly killing themselves or others on a highway with an unsafe lane change.
Adjust your mirrors so cars approaching from behind in the lane to either side start entering your side mirrors as they start leaving your rearview mirror. There should be a point where you can see one half of a car in the side mirror and the other half in the center mirror at the same time. You should not be able to see your own car. You might not be able to dial this in while parked and might have to adjust on the road, but it’s absolutely worth it.
If you need to see the lines while parking and your mirrors don’t auto-move in reverse, explore methods that don’t rely on mirrors. I used to park on a long, squiggly driveway. I’d crack the driver door open to see where the edge was while I was reversing, and I could follow it precisely at speed. If your car allows you to crack the door open without shifting into park, give that a shot (you’re wearing your seatbelt, right? Don’t fall out and run yourself over.). Otherwise you could try rolling down a window and peeking out that way.
Only for those who don’t hide their shame by disabling clipboard history. I have my reasons…