Jim Keller is now working on one. I kind of doubt it will be FOSS, though.
Jim Keller is now working on one. I kind of doubt it will be FOSS, though.
Cake brulee
Halium is basically what you’re talking about. It uses the Android HAL to run Linux.
The thing is, that also uses the Android kernel, meaning that there will essentially never be a kernel update since the kernel patches by Qualcomm have a ton of technical debt. The people working on porting mainline Linux to SoCs are essentially rewriting everything from scratch.
There are two solutions for that. One is Waydroid, which is basically what you’re describing. Another is android_translation_layer, which is closer to WINE in that it translates API calls to more native Linux ones, although that project is still in the alpha stages.
You can try both on desktop Linux if you’d like. Just don’t expect to run apps that require passing SafetyNet, like many banking apps.
I’ve been using GMail in K-9 Mail for years. Maybe you’re thinking of OAUTH 2 support?
This is going to be the breakthrough moment for RISC-V. Jim Keller is a genius.
Ideally also leave your car at home and take public transit while paying with cash or walk. CCTV and facial recognition are still issues, but you would be reducing your fingerprint a ton.
Not just Google, but the community has been hard at work with porting mainline Linux to phones. postmarketOS is the main OS that devices are initially ported to.
Qualcomm is actually involved with this as well, specifically with Linaro, who does a lot of kernel mainlining for Qualcomm SoCs.
I’m not familiar with EU law, but wouldn’t this set a precidence across the whole EU?
Sometimes they block that, so you have to do this instead:
me.accountBalance = exploit.infiniteMoneyGlitch();
You only get access to that method if you were born with rich parents, though.
Infinity was my favorite Reddit app and I saw that Eternity existed, so I switched to it the moment it releasedits first alpha. I see no reason to use anything else unless it breaks and is no longer maintained.