The other 70% are just storing that data to sell at a later date when they need another income stream to give hungry VC investors.
The other 70% are just storing that data to sell at a later date when they need another income stream to give hungry VC investors.
I’m assuming the mods didn’t think the question was asked in good faith, but rather a “troll” question. I suspect the same, just like how this post seems more like a complaint than advice.
If you are genuinely curious, I’d advise either looking up the history of authoritarianism or re-framing your question.
Right, obviously everyone knows what it’s for now, but it may be difficult to deduce in the future without context.
If you watched the video and read my comments, you could probably put that together.
I agree that the majority of the backlash is overblown, and mostly the result of unclear messaging. However, it’s important that Mozilla is held to a standard. They have presented themselves as a privacy-respecting alternative, and when they do things that sow distrust, it undermines their mission.
They’re one of the few nonprofit organizations that can reasonably compete with the other major players in the browser space, and I hope they can continue to exist while keeping their integrity intact. It seems that task is proving extremely difficult in the current industry.
Don’t bother commenting if you’re not even going to watch more than 10% of the video. You’re right that he has some bias, but he is aware of Mozilla’s flaws and presents some good points.
It’s by far my favorite text editor on Windows. The first time I used it (I think to edit cfg files for Skyrim mods, lol), I was hooked. It’s great to know it’s creator is so principled.
Did you fall for it because it was hyped or because you couldn’t afford to buy?
I’m really glad I couldn’t afford a Tesla back when the Model 3 came out because I probably would’ve bought one.
Things I actually fell for… mostly video games, but it’s not the end of the world. Mostly it made me much more discerning with new purchases.
Doesn’t seem like you have to live with it…
Multi-factor authentication is a good thing. Trust me, you will regret not using it way more.
I would be way more concerned about Proton than Firefox atm.
Might I suggest unplugging for a few days? You’re not wrong, but if it’s all you can think about, perhaps you need a break from news.
That URL is https://github.com/FranchuFranchu/totally-normal-terminal-recording/raw/refs/heads/master/recording.ttyrec.gz for those who want to try themselves.
I think the terminal is 1 line taller than the video and that line is the bottom of the previous frame.
Anecdotally, I’ve had way more audio issues in Windows than I’ve had in Linux.
Linux audio setups don’t always work out-of-the-box, and sometimes require a bit more configuration, but once you get them set up the way you like, they stay that way.
Windows audio configuration is flaky as hell. It’s constantly changing with updates, and I’ve had so many issues with drivers just silently failing. It seems to have the most trouble with discrete sound cards and USB audio interfaces. I can’t tell you how many Discord and Teams calls I’ve had in Windows where the first 5 minutes is re-configuring audio settings that didn’t stick. This is basically a non-issue in my Linux setups.
macOS audio is probably the best combination of easy to configure and it works consistently. The biggest downside is that you need a lot of 3rd party software to do anything more advanced than setting a single device and volume for the entire system.
Note: I primarily use pipewire now. I used to have more problems back when I used pulseaudio.
I literally read “The Black History” 4 times in utter confusion.
Please, do not vape or smoke while on estrogen. That will significantly increase your chance of blood clots.
I remember trying this out a while back and bouncing off it because it was a Windows only app. I’d love a Linux client or even a Web UI to make it platform agnostic.
Right now Syncthing basically fulfills this need for me (including “cloud” saves) outside the nice library UI.