Stuck in the middle of Bloody Big Great Swamp. Curse you, Miyazaki!
Cis white bisexual guy from Ukraine. That should about cover it.
Stuck in the middle of Bloody Big Great Swamp. Curse you, Miyazaki!
There is still a mechanism to remove a county’s veto power, I believe. Probably not easy to invoke, but it exists.
Yes, that would be the context I’m talking about
Yeah, there’s a balance. If you comment every row of your code, you aren’t naming things clearly. If you never comment, the context is always incomplete.
I treat my future self a few months from now as a separate person who does not remember anything about why or what the specific code fragments do. And I’m grateful to my past self for doing the same.
Plus, you never know when you need to actually delegate supporting a particular piece of a solution to another person.
It would probably be more difficult to not make a baby cry during filming
That’s a lot of scaling… if you have the economy
There’s so many AI porn comms, surely they’ll fit right in over there
We’re not talking about +Mult tho. You realize addition and multiplication are different operations, right? Try stacking jokers like Hologram, Seeing Double, Blackboard or Card Sharp, you will see they all multiply the score.
Not how it works. If you have multiple sources of X Mult, they are multiplied against each other.
Boss blind: The King
After half of your hands are spent, quadruple the score requirement.
“Now I’ll show you… what real jujutsu is like”
Yeah, full house from two pairs is a bait. I only go for them when I happen to draw a three of a kind (or when my deck is already skewed towards it), since finding a random pair is much more consistent.
I call this one “I wish negative playing cards were a thing”. Though with mods, they are, I think.
You control the buttons you press. Personally, I think I’ve earned the right to forget about its existence forever
I find it fun myself, too, but the people who don’t still have the option to enjoy the game, which I find neat
I mean, if you’re not into the grind, there’s literally an “Unlock all” button
I mean, from my experience working with Excel, pivot tables are pretty evil. And so is the PIVOT operator in SQL Server.
It’s load bearing
This is Tamriel if you replace East Asia stuff with Dark Elves, which… are actually not that far from that to begin with.