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I also run the hobby and nerd interest website scratch-that.org.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I think that’s a bit of a tangent, as the British rifle above is not the same caliber as the HK417, and it doesn’t use the HK designed piston system. The KS1/L403A1 is a traditional Stoner operating system in 5.56mm.

    The US Army and US Air Force did buy about 8,000 HK417 based M110A1 rifles. A niche rifle, and now with the XM7 being adopted by the Army, I’m not sure how much of a DMR program using 7.62 is really going to be pursued outside of specialized units.

  • That and all the other reasons. The only stick grenades still around in appreciable numbers are anti-armor grenades where the handle has a parachute inside. For normal fragmentation grenades, essentially everyone has moved to non-stick grenades (except the USMC who want to make stick grenades).

    Even in WW2, the Germans produced more of the boring looking Model 39 grenades than they did of the iconic and eye catching stick grenades. People notice what they want to notice.

  • In addition, the mere act of giving that information to somebody else.

    On a phone I can obviously text somebody, but what if I’m somewhere with bad signal (and yes, those places often exist), or the person doesn’t have the phone in their pocket right that second (yes, this also happens in places with work where people don’t want to risk the phone in their pocket breaking)?

    With a mini notepad, I can rip a sheet of notes off and hand that diagram to somebody else. If it’s work that will take some time doing while following a diagram, having a phone screen locking up because it isn’t being touched is a hassle and going into the settings to change it back and forth is annoying.