Alts (mostly for modding)
(Earlier also had for a year before I switched to lemmings)
sorry to tell you(maybe not, may make you feel better depending on how you take it), but almost no body makes an earning by language studies, not even professors (only very small amount of them make something reasonable with respect to their effort)
reinventing shell scripting. Though I am guilty of this, I do something like this (more complex) but essentially a shell script in rust just because for some application, reading files is slower that way
can you give more details about your system, what kernel you are using what distro? also, have you tried testing a live boot usb to do testing, and also (I am presuming that you changed motherboard, and kept rest same) can you replace 1 part at a time and check.
Usually random breakages mean memory or power errors, and even different modules breaking can be caused by corrupt storage (maybe the readheads of hdd are broken, or if ssd, something something something, maybe broken/damged contacts). But you say going back to older cpu fixed this. Can you check what speed does your menory work at, sometimes, stable ram speeds depend on cpu, maybe you had it lower/higher for older cpu (usually lower than stable is not issue, higher is the issue), or maybe, your newer cpu is drawing more power, or you have some kind of faulty contact and some stray currents are developing on your motherboard. A fey more details would be really helpful
very well put
Is redlib working for you? for me, if I host for me, I get rate limited after 1st post, and have to use the public instances (slower, but they work).
I never had a account - I had 2 uses for reddit - 1 was memes (and a few other communities (commandline and localllama)) - this I did with rss feeds. And searching for things with reddit added, to get opinions by humans.
commandline and localllama still stay as rss feeds, but for memes, I just use my local lemmy feedd. Can’t replace searching, though I try to not use search engine’s at all these days (can’t eliminate them, but using them for the cases where I have not yet found a particular source to direct my searches) but for the reddit results, I use redlib frontend.
I don’t feel bad - because there is definitely good stuff there that was posted by humans (alongside a ton of trash, which probably outnumbers the good stuff 1:10), but I hope that lemmy eventually has enough stuff.
I currently don’t do that (can not replace the treasure trove in reddit yet) but you can edit default search engine url and add something like
and make a seperate search engine shortcut for this. But as others have said, google is not great for this.
If you use searxng, then you can also include instance searches in default results . There is a seperate social media page(just like you have image or video tab), enable lemmy and mastodon stuff and use that.
are we missing some sickles mate?
why and how did that work, how hard were you slamming it, I am presuming not hard enough to break glass, but than, what would such a slam do? I am going to presume these were LCDs, and maybe the the liquid crystals would have gone too cold, and maybe by smacking, you somehow freed them or something. I would like to know more.
take my upvote and leave.
I was about to go on the possibilities at (or above the age) of 35. I have to agree though that this is top tier dad humor
A(dissolved) + B (gas) -> Delta (energy released) + C(precipitate)
since a was dissolved - there was some eenrgy of dissolution, now that there is a precipitate (and lets for simplicity assume Ksp = 0) then there is some energy required to create this surface.
for reaction to be energetically favorable (Gibs free energy, so entropy is also accounted)
abs(Delta) > abs(dissolution energy) + abs(surface creation)
this is going to maintained always. Now if Delta is very large reaction will almost run to completion (provided activation energy is given, lets say in form of temperature or mechanical agitation to increase the reaction probability of A and B)
there is also energy released in reaction, that can cover for decrease in surface energy and also the energy of dissolution (think of copper sulphate crystals forming). Energetically it is possible. Problem is find the particular system which checks all boxes
Sorry, but I do understand this stuff, my bachellors is in materials science, I do not master this domain, but I at least understand the thermodynamics and solidfication okay enough. I know of bayers process, and I know it can not be used for 3d printing. What I am saying is
If something has very high enthalpy of formation, then end prouct is very stable - something I want for the end product (most ceramics have good enough stability for our needs).
usually activation energy required is very high - one of the best way to give activation energy is raise temperature. Problem with very high temperature is now the nucleation rate is very high (nucleation rate is rouply proportional to temperature difference between equillibrium temperature and temperature of process). If nucleation rate is very high, we will form snow like crystals - fluffy (not dense), so we can not really use it to build layers above.
If we find something with very low activiation energy (which the CaCO3 formation has (reasonably low compared to other ceramics, that is one of th ereasons why we use it as a primary test for verification) then we can perform reaction at very low temperature. And growth rate is exponential decaying with temperature (the mobility is exponential with temperature) so growth would be prefered and we will form large crystals.
another thing to control is directionality - if we can have direcctional solidification (something like silicon manufacturing) then we can perform 3d printing, otherwise things will grow accordingly to minimise the surface energy (everything technically does, but what I mean is, if there is significant anisotropy in growth rate along particular direction we can use it))
I may be wrong here, I definitely have not given it much thought, but I don’t think I am absolutely off the track. It doesn’t also help that these days I am not pursuing Material processing at all, so I may have forgotten a few details, If I still have something wrong please correct me
ceramics kinda don’t shrink. They do shrink, but CTE is very low (generally due to very deep potential wells). And assume we are at low temperature crystal growth range, we would see big crystals, with relatively low internal stresses.
that is also a problem i thought (last line of last issue). What I was thinking was that if some research group has already taken this, where for example the crystal structure has really high enthalpy (something like Al2O3) but also low enough activation energy, then at very low temps, the reaction will drive itself, and we can use fans to evaporate. I am sure there must be some goldy-locks zone somewhere
I know about this, and this is the very source of my idea - basically thinking why dont we 3d print cement. Then realised cement or concrete are way too complex structures, lets just consider slaked lime to lime
It is really expensive. I understand economies of scale, but they are even more expensive than framework, who are already more expensive than most other brands. I understand that they don’t have enough volume to ship that manufacturers willl give them better deals, but at this price point, and for what performance it is offereing, one could potentially buy 2 or 3 non repairable laptops, and they will collectively last almost just as long or more. I understand this method is worse in terms of sustainability but not everyone has that much room while buying