I learned from my friends "Von Regen in die Traufe“, you flee from Trump to get that semi-bald Temu copy of him in Germany. Things look dark for us in Europe everywhere.
I learned from my friends "Von Regen in die Traufe“, you flee from Trump to get that semi-bald Temu copy of him in Germany. Things look dark for us in Europe everywhere.
Nah I mean I have some friends and they told me a camel has like 50 different names depending on how old it is and what it’s doing right now, e.g. a female camel who gave birth three months ago or a sitting camel or a camel that drinks an unusual amount of water (I’m making up stuff rn) would have their own names. Or here’s a list of date cultivars, there are like tens of names for the different types of dates it wild: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_date_cultivars
Otherwise I was honestly just kidding. It’s an interesting question but realistically it’s gonna be English and imo kids should learn English from kindergarten on and people would be bilingual like in India, or Kurds, Amazigh, Sudanese people who are native speakers in Arabic and their own local language. We could have all administration EU wide be bilingual too and that would honestly make it so much easier for everyone to move around and also for migrants that we desperately need to come here.
But with fascism being cool again I‘m afraid we’re moving far away from what I have in mind.
Sorry you’re right. I’m super old back in the day that was true though.
They’re owned by Comcast now whose largest shareholders are Vanguard and Blackrock: https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/COMCAST-CORPORATION-4864/company-shareholders/
After that comes a bunch of other asset managers and pension funds. They don’t own 80% like GE did but it’s already enough for shareholder activism so that’s a conflict of interest for NBC, and they’re not special, the same is true for basically any of the mass media companies.
It sounds badass. The script looks dope. It is much richer in vocabulary than English. I say let’s do it!
Yeah but Arabic is much cooler than English.
Also Chinese people are confused af if you try to speak Chinese with them. I tried several times and they were just looking at me like wtf are you doing. It’s probably a combination of not really getting why a foreigner would start speaking Chinese with them and me being extraordinarily bad at doing it too.
Is this some kind of ragebait? I speak French but if you look at the attitude that the French have towards their language and compare that to their average commandment of the English language, why should we do that to a whole continent?
If you ask me people in the EU should be raised bilingually and learn English from kindergarten on. All administration and official stuff should be bilingual. That would be a way for the EU to remain competitive. But no, we rather go down the Nazi route, way to go.
Hasbara doing hasbara, where are you located, Tel Aviv, Haifa?
I‘m not sure that’s covered in French history books but you butchered the living shit out of somewhere between 400,000 and 5.6 million Algerians and that’s just one example. There are millions, if not tens of millions of victims of French colonialism. You’ll say it’s a long time ago but there are enough people alive in France who still remember and miss having colonies. You did that in the name of “civilizing savages”. The Belgium, British and Germans did the same under the guise of “civilizing” them and teaching them Christianity. You’re just spreading right wing narratives here.
There are radical people, fixed that for you. I say radicalism is bad, you made it about Muslims but don’t seem to care how radical the RN is. What you’re basically saying is that because there are radical Muslims (which will be true for any nationality, ethnicity, religion, or political belief) it’s justified to vote for Nazis. Thanks for proving my point.
The French and Islam, tell me a more iconic duo. Radicalism is bad and this in law is obviously pretty radical. However, looking over to France, not even places like Hungary, Poland or Germany are as racist as French people are in every day life. And I picked them because those are particularly racist countries. The evil of French Islamophobia is that it’s sugarcoated with a fake intellectual narrative that tries to justify it instead of being honest about the fact that you just fucking hate them and see them as lesser people that you used to colonize.
Dude that’s not a conspiracy, that’s just capitalism. E.g. NBC is owned by General Electric, one of the largest American defense contractors. So obviously NBC has a conflict of interest if they’re critical of warmongering.
The same goes kind of for every bigger news outlet, if you look at their ownership structures they’re all owned by oligarchs and their main interest is in protecting capital, not being ethical and uphold journalistic standards or criticize how the government acts if it protects the interests of the ultra rich.
The shareholders of public companies are, well, public information and it’s kind of hard to find a large company that’s not partly owned by Blackrock, Vanguard and the likes. Now, if you dig deep enough into their portfolio, e.g. through their emerging markets funds I would not be surprised if they have some shares in Chinese defense companies, unless they’re sanctioned and even then you can probably still invest if you set up some shell company that isn’t sanctioned.
And the government will obviously not go against Blackrock, Vanguard, etc. because they have so much influence on public opinion that the government would be history pretty quickly. Oh yeah, the (most likely) new chancellor of Germany is ex-Blackrock, think he’ll care?
Russia will never destroy our way of life!
/s obviously but all of this warmongering is scary as fuck, and I hate that the ultra rich will just get even richer from this.
It’s lemmy.world, people here are mostly liberals, agreeing with you on anything that goes against the system would make their world collapse. I’m happy downvotes don’t mean shit on Lemmy though, because imo you’re right and it’s pretty fucked up how we‘re all being manipulated into hooraying for more war, more arms, more destruction just to make some oligarchs even richer.
For the record, I have no idea when what German arms company got founded but I think that’s nitpicking compared to the fact that fascists will make profit from our governments buying more weapons from these defense companies.
You can drploy a Cloudflare worker that exposes an APi endpoint with an SQLite DB completely for free and without doing any maintenance. I don’t think the DB is encrypted , so it wouldn’t be my first choice if privacy is a concern. There’s a bit of a learning curve with all the UI bloat but once you figured it out it’s a very hassle free solution.
It’s literally called “brain drain” idk what’s there to discuss. Smart people leaving the country because of politics, yeah that’s brain drain.