And they drove a bunch of cool trucks and everyone was happy to see them. /s
I didn’t find the video of the guy yelling at them to fuck off and go away from his balcony, but if anyone has a link, it was pretty good.
Then change it on any day of the week other than Monday morning or Friday evening.
Best answer. We can sell it!
I believe in you.
Friday upgrade: A handful of people call with problems on Monday morning.
Monday upgrade: Everyone is angry that they can’t meet deadlines (the install started when they turned on their computers).
I should have mentioned that I’m thinking of two industries with hard deadlines.
Your coworkers are stupid, shitty fathers. Go be with your kid.
And block the ones that are filled with content you don’t want. I’ve spent the last six months or so fine tuning my feed and see lots of stuff that’s interesting to me and very little that I don’t want.
Hello fellow basher.
This made me chortle. I remember when I first joined a dev team asking someone how many of something their section should be able to store:
I don’t know, I’d have to look at the code.
It was an eye opening moment. Very few people can keep everything in their head. I’ve met a couple. They were rockstars who were truly exceptional.
I recognize this. I watched a video of this shitbag pretending to be mentally unwell for the cameras after he shot some people.
- refuses to purchase tools that would make job easier
- plans huge upgrade of client devices first thing Monday morning rather than Friday evening
- licenses one of the least effective security tools to save money
- forces an over-reliance on Google apps despite Drive having shit search capabilities
- makes you get A+ certified even though you’ve been in the industry for many years before allowing pursuit of higher certs
- says “happy Monday” every week as if that isn’t soul-draining
- thinks we have a great culture because we declare “beer o’clock” on a Friday every few months and end early
- talks loudly in an open office when he take phone calls
- plays shitty music when he gets control of the stereo hooked to an old computer
- mandates back to office as the pan is winding down and then let’s all of management not come to the office on the first day back
- can’t understand why this angered workers
I don’t talk about work unless the other person brings it up. I stick with, how’s it going or how’s life. What’s been going on with you since last time? Whatcha been up to?
Keep practicing having a natural conversation but try not to think of it as practice. I was super socially awkward when I was younger and have only gotten better at it with time. It gets easier.
I’m not. I’m collecting images of all these in other countries to protest USA to send in an email to my mother who voted for this shit.
Mr Burns is wandering in the woods again.
I love projects like this. It’s way harder to do in Bash, but that’s what makes it interesting. The unnecessary effort to do it right shows real skill.
I love projects like this. It’s way harder to do in Bash, but that’s what makes it interesting. The unnecessary effort to do it right shows real skill.
Depending on your skillset, YCombinator has a who’s hiring thread on the first Monday of each month.
Try to work on learning how to communicate effectively. I used to say the wrong thing a lot. I thought I was being open and honest, but really, I just put my foot in my mouth.
There’s no guidebook to do this well. You just learn by wanting to do it better and time allowing you to learn from your mistakes.
I wish you the best!