I’ve been out-freaked
I’ve been out-freaked
Pearl is often referred to as a bird both in the show and in the Fandom
Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?
I’m also kind of new, and if you’re doling out advice, I’ve got a quesiton: If I were interested in potentially modding someday, what kind of things should I learn/read up on to handle that kind of responsibility? I want to help build communities so I can selfishly enjoy them, but im feeling too new so far.
Got banned for saying Nazis shouldn’t be alive. Welcome to lemmy, I’m personally approaching it with the philosophy of “communities need activity to thrive”
Makes sense that the company that just announced their qbit advancement would be disparaging the only “advanced” thing other companies have shown in the last 5 years.
I’ve noticed this in that they can’t think of their own problems. They say “they’re teaching kids to be trans in school” but don’t talk to their actual kids about what they’re actually learning. They say “the inflation makes it impossible to buy groceries!” And they show the groceries with 3 cases of Mt dew because they don’t want to think about budgeting. They say “immigrants are taking our jobs” and live in rural Missouri where there’s 1 Latino in town. They aren’t thinking of problems that actually effect them, they think of the problems fox news tells them to think about.
If the left you’re talking about is the dems, no the fuck they aren’t. Dems aren’t the ones constantly putting forth bills about Trans people. The most any dem has done is post some milqtoast “trans rights” sticker or something.
But I agree I think the dems shouldn’t have justified the fear mongering about immigrants when the right started screeching about it. But that’s also on news orgs justifying it.
I’d argue nearly every single social issue is an economic one. Abortion? Anti-abortion laws are intended to force people to have kids they can’t afford, making them desperate for work to keep their kids fed and clothed. Racial equality? I mean, do I need to say more than the fact that most minorities are statistically poorer? The only one that can be argued is purely social is Trans people, and I simply can’t fathom letting people die for being who they are, or ignoring the blatant attacks on them from the right.
I’m curious how you square “they live in a bubble” with them being right?
Big “you damn kids and your phones” vibes from this
Oh shit I never even noticed that it was Yandredev, I thought it was just a real programmer making a joke.