I run 16 Bit Virtual Studios. You can find more reviews from me on YouTube youtube.com/@16bitvirtual or other social media @16bitvirtual, and we sell our 3D Printed stuff on 16bitstore.com
Normally I would, but the models is partially corrupt, it doesn’t print right, and it only works with larger Garmin. So I am not uploading it
My story is a simple one.
I turned on my computer I logged in, did some work, played some games then I turned it off.
No one tried to murder me (force updates), or put me in a potato (notification ads), or feed me to birds (change my defaults). I had a pretty good life.
Amazon it’s a right angle to Garmin connector. In hindsight I probably could’ve got the charging puck instead
If you are into light novels the publisher JNovel Club sells their books DRM free from their website
From the sounds of it, better collaboration and sharing of projects.
Cloud storage for Autodesk Fusion 360 from the looks of it. TBH it’s hard to even google.
My solution to this was to back up all my projects so I have a local copy, and move to FreeCAD. I’m tired of Autodesk changing the deal every year or so.
I’ve been using smart watches since the Pebble Time Steel. The reason I use a smart watch is to get off my phone more.
I use it to screen important notifications, read messages, and to tell the time.
It’s a niche use case but I find it helpful especially at work to see what’s happening without pulling it out.
That said my poor pebble isn’t used much these days, and I’ve moved to Garmin. These have always on reflective displays like e-paper that sips batteries. Plus I’ve been using my garmin to track my exercise which is nice.
Definitely cant recommend the more battery sensitive Apple Watch or the Samsung or google equivalent. But if it lasts 1-2 weeks on a single charge with the screen always showing the time, it’s better than a contemporary watch.
Thank you, if you do want to see my models, they are on Printables here: https://www.printables.com/@16bitvirtual