“Shape of Punk to Come” is chefs kiss been bumping that shit for over 20 years now and it is still great!
“Shape of Punk to Come” is chefs kiss been bumping that shit for over 20 years now and it is still great!
Likewise except my watch vibrates and notifies me of incoming calls so I can then not answer them.
Maybe I need more wetness ;p
I just soak the sheets in water whilst making the other elements then construct otherwise I’ve found sometimes you get crunchy lasagne.
I feel this so hard. If I could just have a pill that would properly supply my body with all the nutrients and sustenance it needs I would 100% do it and then just eat one or two actual meals a week for the flavours.
Sanderson is such a beast, everything he has written that I’ve read is solid gold!
I liked their early stuff and this was probably about 9 or 10 years ago now that I saw them when they were on the dog mask kick. Since then I haven’t followed them or know anything about them so not sure what is problematic. Any more info?
Mushroomhead at a small venue were amazing, I’ve been to the venue so many times and never seen anyone do anything interesting but they were there were impressive lighting and water on the drums that was flying everywhere catching the light. Was great.
Sub Focus and Chase & Status in a tiny little venue (Chinese Laundry in Sydney) that was like a little grotto. Ceiling so low I couldn’t even stretch my arms up straight with sweet raining on everyone. Amazing.
Die Antwoord with a load of acid in my system was pretty intense.
Finally the entire Shambhala festival in Canada. The DJ playing obviously increases enjoyment but the stages are so fucking mind blowing that it is without a doubt the best live music experience I have had!
People don’t pay enough attention driving as it is constantly looking at their phones, adding tiny icons and lines to mark weather systems would be just another thing to distract already terrible drivers.
If you want to look at the weather then pull over and do so, I don’t think it has any place as additional distractions in a vehicle imo.
Was using connect for nearly two years but more and more issues are being introduced and old ones not solved despite a few updates this last month. So currently I have moved over to Voyager, I prefer the way connect is laid out etc but Voyager actually works and as a bonus I can moderate from it.
Except for the fact that it is designed to keep you coming back and hopefully paying them for the privaledge whilst making people believe they are learning something useful.
It is in fact counter productive to actually learning a language properly. I used it for a year and a half trying to learn Spanish and in that time I never really learnt anything of worth. On top of that my native Spanish speaking girlfriend told me on numerous occasions that the things it was “teaching” me were flat out incorrect.
I learnt more useful language skills in a month on Busuu than I did in a year and a half using Duolingo. So yes there is a lot of hate because it wasted a lot of my time for absolutely zero benefit and in some cases taught me the wrong things so I had to go back and “unlearn” all the bullshit it constantly pushed to me.
It isn’t a tool to bridge a gap, it is a word game designed to get you addicted to “streaks” and then hopefully remove money from your wallet under the guise of teaching you something.
People that seriously want to learn a language should be dissuaded from using this trash app as it is only counter productive to the learning process, they should instead check out Busuu or listen to Language Transfer which is free and vastly superior!
No one is learning any language using shitty Duolingo all they are learning is how to parrot useless phrases and vocab with no explanation on how to form sentences or actually use the language properly for themselves.
Your average slice of bread is 95 calories so you are at 190 calories before you’ve even added fillings.
Just share the folder on soulseek. Probably not advisable for any sensitive information though xD