I assume the malicious part is that it phones home without permission, likely tracking users without their consent or informing them.
I assume the malicious part is that it phones home without permission, likely tracking users without their consent or informing them.
They did so on a consulate, which, if I’m understanding this right, has the same considerations as an embassy. It’s technically Russian soil. Now, obviously, diplomatic ties with Russia these days are… tenuous, to say the least, but this could set a dangerous precedent and could land both the people and the French Gov in real trouble if it were any other nation.
Imagine what would have happened if they did it to the US or Israelan embassies. This would quickly become international news and it’s possible they could ask for these French citizens to be extradited since the crime was done on their soil. That’s playing with fire, and no longer just literally.
On peut souffler un peu, mais c’est pas fini.