14 days agoI think it‘s inherently difficult to persuade thousands of banks in Europe (and potentially worldwide) to actively join Wero, or any other service for that matter.
In my opinion, Wero – to be a viable option for anyone – should make their service something that the people can and WANT to use. Maybe I’m naive but adding the option to connect a bank account via IBAN and SEPA mandate shouldn’t be too complicated, right?
I get what you’re saying and agree that high transaction fees keep merchants from offering it as a payment option.
However, in my rant I’m merely talking about P2P money transfers, nothing B2C. And since most people are lazy and scrimpers, a service needs to have a very good offer for people to start using it. That’s where Wero could improve, in my opinion.
Plus, having a large user base would help them in the long run with convincing merchants to offer Wero as a payment option, wouldn’t it?